Smart Skin Patches are How a Fascist State is Going to Monitor Your Children

Holly Wood
2 min readNov 17, 2016


Smart skin patches are how a fascist state is going to monitor your children.

Guess what terrifying future awaits them if you don’t crush this shit now.

Children in 2022 won’t be educated in schools. They’ll be given a headset and a mandatory subscription to Fascist Conditioning VR. Any child whose bodily monitoring shows it to be resisting programming will be held in line with adaptive edutech monitored by State officials. Hundreds of fuckboy entrepreneurs are making millions of dollars building this technology now — they just don’t know it yet.

Textbook and testing companies like Pearson and the College Board make billions feeding our kids through an endless grinder of useless obedience training now. Imagine how much more money they’ll make when the State calls on them to work with IBM to test your family’s loyalty to the Party with imperceptible algorithms.

Any parent of a child playing against the interests of the machine will be forced to choose between pharmaceutical correction or government blacklist. They’ll be ineligible for jobs, healthcare and State protection.

Do you want to bring children into this world? Let me tell you what’s going to happen to your kid. Your kid is going to die in a camp in 2024 because you will spend 2017 playing fantasy sports and training for a triathlon.

Every hour you spend unwinding now is another year your child will wind up suffering in ways you can’t even imagine yet.

I promise you if you do nothing to stop this, your children will wish they were never born.

