GitPitch — The Template

David Russell @ GitPitch
3 min readSep 10, 2018


Beautifully designed slide templates for everyone.

The Template is an exciting new offering for GitPitch users. It provides visually striking, high utility, slide designs out-of-the box. These new slide templates offer the perfect markdown building-blocks to quick start any presentation.

July 2019 Update: The Template has completely reimagined and reimplemented. No more git-fork or download to get started. Now just copy and paste markdown snippets into your directly from the new GitPitch Slide Design Templates Guide.

[ The Template — Sample Slide Template Designs ]

The Template slide designs are directly inspired by some of the most popular designs widely used by established tools like Powerpoint, Keynote, and Google Slides. These same quality slide templates are now made available to markdown presentations authors using GitPitch.

The Template Live

Seeing is believing. I encourage you to jump right in and experience The Template as a live, interactive slideshow in your browser.

To launch The Template, click here.

Slide Candy v Blank Canvas

[ The Template — Sample Slide Template Designs ]

Whether you are writing a book, painting a picture, or creating a slideshow, it can be daunting when you start with nothing more than a blank canvas.

For slideshows, a blank canvas can also detract from your focus on creating great content, as you end up dedicating energy and effort to address layout.

While GitPitch already supports automatic-layout for basic slideshow content, The Template offers sophisticated slide layouts that can be used effortlessly.

[ The Template — Sample Slide Template Designs ]

The Template slide designs are developed and delivered using GitPitch markdown. Each template is beautifully styled and ready for use out-of-the box. Yet fully customizable. And guaranteed to delight your audience.

The Template Docs

You can get started with nothing more than a simple fork of The Template repository. Mirrors of this repository are found on GitHub, GitLab, and Bitbucket.

For all the relevant details, see The Template documentation.

[ The Template — Sample Slide Template Designs ]

The Fastest Way From Idea to Presentation

I’m excited by the release of this new template. I hope you are too.

The release of The Template marks an important step up in the overall sophistication of the GitPitch service on I look forward to seeing how the community delivers exciting new slideshow presentations powered by nothing more than The Template and a little imagination.

And remember, if you love GitPitch but simply must have (1) desktop tools for working and presenting offline or (2) tools for managing access to your presentations in the cloud, or (3) access to a wide range of power-features for presentation authors, then check out GitPitch Pro. There is a 7 day free trial on offer right now.

For GitPitch Pro details, click here.

Thanks for reading today. Happy presenting everyone. David.

You can follow me right here on Medium or on Twitter for more news, tips and unique creations from the GitPitch community.



David Russell @ GitPitch

GitPitch — The Markdown Presentation Service on GitHub, GitLab, and Bitbucket.