Building Advertising Projects

Giulian Drimba
1 min readJan 9, 2017


This is a series of posts describing my approach for building highly interactive projects (usually done inside the advertising industry), I have been using this approach for 3 years now, and as it’s still working extremely well, I would like to share it with you. It’s separated in 7 topics, which are:

The Framework
Where I talk about modern JavaScript frameworks and why they don’t suit the type of projects I usually do.

The Setup
Where I present the boilerplate used in my projects, consisting of build-system, pre-processors, semver, image optimisation, live-reloading and more.

The View
Where I explain how I use my views as interfaces, providing a per view rendering implementation, and how every visual component follows the same structure (why complicate with different signature?)

The Router
Where I introduce you to Ways and how it provides the flexibility needed to create complex transitions between the pages.

The Data
The type of projects I do usually don’t have too many data coming from the server nor the user, this article will explain how I use the models in my projects.

Additional Libraries
Additional libraries and how I use them.


So, let’s jump into the first article: The Framework

