Why you do not need a personal website

G. Orah Adarah Paris
3 min readJun 6, 2017


If you had all your information, a friend’s information or someone you do not know information at once, would you read or look at it all? I find a personal website to have too much power on saying who you are. I do not believe in a personal website with exception of certain cases, like to create a portfolio or show how you design a personal website. Then it becomes a professional website for a specific cause. There are so many website options. There are many less decentralized options to disseminate who you are and like social networks for specific purposes. This means several websites for different general purposes. Think of the message you are trying to convey to the word and because how information is presented speaks louder then what you actually say.

from Aldo Crusher

We are continuously evolving individuals and so if we are to have a personal website we much change with it. Also, If we do not updates almost daily our website it will not be found on a search. There are social networks that will more easily show you on a search and because you use those websites more frequently. Some websites have a better search engine Optiimization(SEO). This means that they are being updated more often. In a search they meet the criteria of the most relevant and recent.

Social network website will not only make you more searchable but also make it easier for you to actually find other people. For many a personal website can be a way of having a portfolio of their work and this makes a lot of sense. If you want to originally show your work and the way you design/and or build. Also, if you want to create just one other place for people to find your work. A question is are you showing off or connecting with people?

I admire people who take the time to create their own website. Personally for me it feels boisterous. So it is a personal choice but for those who at this moment do not feel inclined to do so I understand. If we are to create a personal page I think it need to be targeted to a particular message. Like when a president or other celebrity has a personal page. In that case it becomes a professional page, something with a portfolio. Nevertheless, just because they do it does it mean we do? Maybe just become good enough and get added from a friend to Wikipedia or whatever there will be in the future.

Many people add on a personal website a link to their networks. That is another option and remember you are giving a lot of information to people and for what? A website can be a great way to have control on your personal profile. You might enjoy creating a website and have a good reason to have another website out with your information. Also consider spending the time searching for other websites you can disseminate your information on. For example, Medium might be good for blogs, if that is where you think your audience might read articles. Personally I do not know for myself. The web is constantly changing and we are evolving towards more social networks and so let’s use them.


