How to make Pokemon GO better

Giulio Michelon
2 min readJul 11, 2016

I have played Pokemon GO for a while and this is how I would change it to make it better.

Trading Pokemon

One of the parts I loved more about my childhood was trying to convince other kids to trade Pokemon. When I find another player of Pokemon GO I'd love to trade Pokemon. How am I supposed to complete the Pokedex?

Battle Against Your Friends

This is crucial. The only battle allowed now is on the gyms. I don't care about gyms, I want to play against my friends, no matter if I'm close to a gym. This was central on the Game Boy's game and I think it should be developed asap.

Push Notifications When You Find a Pokemon

The biggest problem on Pokemon GO now is that it sucks battery like a vampire. I don't like that. My battery is precious. So why I have to keep my phone and GPS on to make it work? I suggest push notifications instead of keeping the app running.

This is probably what the Nintendo Pokemon Go Plus is for. We'll see.

Old-style Battle between Pokemon

The battle on Pokemon GO is boring. It's really limited, compared to the original game. I loved the turn strategy, and I loved having different moves for every Pokemon. The battle on my iPhone is very very limited. I can't choose any move and it's mostly random.

Press the heart if you would like to have the same features in the future. Maybe the article will arrive to Niantic’s ears!

