Arcane Review V: The 15 Best Quotes from Season One

4 min readDec 1, 2021


Arcane did more than just entertain. It dropped a few wisdom nuggets as well!

Arcane has proven to be more than a dystopian tv show with incredible fight scenes. Its vast universe is filled with complex and dynamic characters who deliver thought-provoking lines with mic drops, before proceeding to either battle, get ambushed or get beat up(anybody else noticing how the bad guys have some excellent lines?)

Here are the top 15 quotes from Arcane’s season one characters:

  1. Viktor — Act 3 Episode 9: The monster you created

“In pursuit of great, we failed to do good.”

2. Vi — Act 2 Episode 5: Everybody wants to be my enemy

“If you really want people to talk to you, you have to let them think you have what they want.”

3. Jinx — Act 2 Episode 3: When these walls come tumbling down

“Sisters right? Can’t live with ’em, can’t stuff ’em back in the old baby maker.”

4. Silco — Act 1 Episode 2: Some mysteries are better left unsolved

“Power. Real power — doesn’t come to those who were born strongest, or fastest, or smartest. No. It comes to those who will do anything to achieve it.

5. Singed — Act 1 Episode 7: The boy savior

“Nature made us intolerable to change, but fortunately, we have the capacity to change our nature.”

6. Heimerdinger — Act 2 Episode 6: When these walls come tumbling down

“Those who shine the brightest, tend to burn the fastest.”

7. Silco — Act 3 Episode 9: The monster you created

“Is there anything more undoing than a daughter?”

8. Ekko — Act 3 Episode 9: The monster you created

“You can’t just give people enough to survive, you have to give them enough to live”

9. Viktor — Act 1 Episode 2: Some mysteries are better left unsolved

“When you’re going to change the world, don’t ask for permission.”

10. Singed — Act 2Episode 6: When these walls come tumbling down

“Loneliness is often the byproduct of a gifted mind.”

11. Heimerdinger — Act 1 Episode 2: Some mysteries are better left unsolved

“If dangerous ideas didn’t excite the mind, we would never wander astray.”

12. Vi — Act 1 Episode 2: Some mysteries are better left unsolved

“What makes you different makes you strong.”

13. Heimerdinger — Act 1 Episode 2: Some mysteries are better left unsolved

“Imprisonment. What a curious principle. We confine the physical body, yet the mind is still free.”

14. Silco — Act 1 Episode 2: Some mysteries are better left unsolved

“There’s a monster inside all of us.”

15. Silco — Act 2 Episode 5: Everybody wants to be my enemy

“What is truth, but a survivor’s story?”

Head over to the comment section to let me know which were your favorites.

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To read the four previous instalments in this review series, click:

Part I: Why the Silco and Jinx dynamic is toxic

Part II: Jinx’s downfall is her own doing

Part III: 5 questions viewers needed Jinx and Vi to ask

Part IV: 5 times Vi was a basic character and 5 times she wasn’t

Part VI: Is the most interesting thing about Caitlyn her partnership with Vi?

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