Gizem TekinHAYIR ! ÖYLE DEĞİLHAYIR ÖYLE DEĞİL bir konu hakkında tartışılırken hayır öyle değil diyenlerin sayısı fazlaca arttı. O konu hakkında bilgisi yokken bile…Oct 29, 2021Oct 29, 2021
Gizem TekinThe problem of our age is psychological hunger.Psychological hunger is a hunger where the body has no physical signals that it needs food intake, but still has a desire to eat. E.g…Oct 28, 20212Oct 28, 20212
Gizem TekinChanges in young people who spend more time on social mediaEspecially for the 12-21 age group, which includes the adolescence years, the use of social media should be evaluated by considering…Oct 21, 20211Oct 21, 20211