Know Your Circle

Gareth Hancock
2 min readOct 4, 2016

“The smaller my circle got, the clearer my vision became.” — Trent Shelton

That’s a powerful sentence.

Society places a lot of importance on social circles.

There are self-help guides on how to expand your circles and move between groups to create new opportunities.

An ever-increasing social circle can make you feel popular, more confident.

But how much of it is actually real?

How many people within those circles could you rely upon if shit got serious?

Who within those circles could you properly talk to and truly trust?

Who’s in it for you, beyond the vanity of the social media facade?

Very few.

When you analyse it, your circle needn’t be any larger than the number of seats at your dinner table.

And that’s not a bad thing. It just means the friends you do have are the ones that share your loyalty and commitment.

Acquaintances are fine, but only a select few should get to cross the drawn line.

Trent Shelton is someone I only recently heard of. That quote is taken from this passage.

His words close out the song ‘Circles’ by Leddie MC.

The song is a personal reflection on friendship; on how cutting out weak links has decreased the social circle of the artist.

It’s a track about loneliness, anxiety and misunderstanding. And how even those that care for you can overlook your words in times of need.

It’s about realisation and love.

It’s about knowing your circle.

Watch the video, listen to the lyrics.

Listen again, in case you missed something.

This relates to all of our lives, even if you didn’t realise it yet.

Circles is taken from Leddie’s debut solo EP: Home in My Head. It’s available to download for free.

I urge you to do so.

Reach Leddie on the following social channels:


Twitter: @leddieandsmoggy




Gareth Hancock

Writer of words | Copywriter | @Boro fan | Pro-wrestling fan.