Display File in RPGLE- Part1

5 min readApr 8, 2024


Display files are the alternates for the user interface in AS400. The present GUI can be made in AS400 by using Display Files. Using it we can create menus, screens to interact with users and load data into it.

In this blog we will cover

  1. Create Display File
  2. Screen Design Aid
  3. Create Record in Display File
  4. Operations in Display File
  5. Save and compile the file

Create Display File

In your library, create a source physical file called as QDDSDSPF. Inside this physical file display files are kept by convention.

Library name: ARC, Source Physical File Name: QDDSDSPF

Press F6, to create a display file.

Display file name: EmpDetail, Source Type: DSPF

Press Enter and save the file.

Screen Design Aid

Screen Design Aid is used to design the display file in very user friendly manner.

In extra menu options( to show extra (shift+F11)=> F23 ), Screen Design Aid Opt=17 can be used to edit the Display File.

Press Enter, to enter into the file

In this we can design screens which can be many types like subfile, windows, record, etc..

Create Record in Display File

Under the RECORD column give the screen name.

Press Enter, to choose the SCREEN01’s type

Here, we can see the Type… can be 9 types. In this blog we are going to cover RECORD.

To know about types even more, place the cursor on Type… Press F1.

F1 is used to get information of the field. So you can use it wherever you need extra information over a field.

Press Enter, you enter into the screen!

Operations in Display File

Insert text into screen

Between the single qoutes the text should be give.

Press Enter.

Now the text is created.

Delete Text from screen

current screen

Use d infront of the text.

Press Enter.

Should not use backspace or delete or insert in display screen. You can use space bar to delete. The screen crashes totally. If you wanr to reverse the changes you made, unsave the file (F3- Opt=2).

Display Margin

Keep your cursor, from where the margin should start

the cursor is on 1st row and in 1st column

Press shift + F2.

To remove the margin, Press shift+F2 again.

Center Alignment

Before the word type ‘a’ and on the first letter of the word replace it with ‘c’.

Press Enter.

Move text to left

To move text to left use ‘<’ operator

Moving Name to 6/26 from 6/35

Press Enter.

Move text to right

To move text to right use ‘>’ operator

Press Enter.

Move text between rows

Enclose the text with ‘-’ hypens and place the ‘=’ in the place where the text needed to be placed.

Press Enter.

Display today’s date, time and user

*date, *user, *time displays the current date, user id and time respectively.

Press Enter.

By convention, Date and time should be placed in top right corner and program name should be placed in top left corner.

Save and compile the file

To save file

Press F3.

Press Selection=1 to save the file. Press Enter.

To compile file

Press Enter.

Make sure the below fields are Yes( Y ).

Save DDS source…. Y

Create disply file…. Y

If it shows completed successfully, then press enter.

Now your display file is ready.

You can also compile the display file by Opt=14.

Press Enter to compile.

Delete existing object….. Y.

Your display file will be compiled.

Ending Note

I will follow up with attributes and indicators used in display file in my next blog — Display File in RPGLE- Part2.

Stay happy and cheers❤

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Written by Life@Twenty

Hey all, one day I came to know that knowledge & experience can't be stolen from the person,but these valuables can be learnt from sharing.That's why I am here.

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