How to Write a Business Letter? — The Best Samples

Sadece Unofficial
4 min readDec 19, 2022

In today’s business world, when you need to reach out and stay in touch with some businesses or several clients, it is imperative to use business letters. The following is a guide to writing an effective business letter, with helpful tips and a selection of helpful samples.

What is a Business Letter?

A business letter is a formal letter that is typically used for business-related communication. The purpose of a business letter is to communicate with other businesses or individuals professionally.

Types of Business Letters

Among the various types of business letters that serve different purposes, the most common are here.

  • Cover letters.
  • Thank-you letters.
  • Follow-up letters.
  • Recommendation letters.
  • Prospecting letters.
  • Donation letters.
  • Sponsorship letters.
  • Sales letters.
  • Resignation letters.
  • Complaint letters.

What Does a Business Letter Include?

Several elements are included in almost every business letter. These elements include:

  1. The date.
  2. The recipient’s name and address.
  3. A proper salutation (A courteous greeting).
  4. The body of the letter with a mannerly closing.
  5. Sender’s name, contact information, & signature.

How To Write a Business Letter?

Proper Greeting

One of the most notable elements of a business letter is the salutation, which is a formal greeting. A colon should follow the salutation, not a comma. For example, Dear Mr. John: would be the correct hello for a business letter.

The Body

The best way to create an effective business letter would be to make it concise and to the point. Every paragraph should have the first sentence indented. There should also be a professional tone used when writing it. It means using a formal business letterhead and avoiding any abbreviations or contractions.

Sign Off

When signing off a business letter, it is crucial to use a courteous and professional closing. Mostly used signs off include Sincerely, Best regards, and Thank you for your time. It is also required to include your name and contact information below your signature.

Proofread It Again & Again

To ensure that you did not make any mistakes, proofread your letter again before sending it.

How To Write An Email To The Company?

When writing an email to a company, it is vital to include all relevant information so the company can fully understand the issue. It is significant to start with a subject line that clearly states the purpose of the email so that the company can readily identify and respond to the email.

The email should also be clear and concise and include supporting documentation or screenshots to help the company understand the problem.

Top 5 Tips To Craft The Best Business Letter

In writing business letters, a few key things are there to keep in mind to craft the perfect one. Here are the top 5 tips:

  1. Keep it professional. Don’t use slang or colloquialisms; stick to formal, professional language.
  2. Be succinct. If you are going to say anything, say it, there is no need for lengthy explanations or verbose language.
  3. Use proper grammar and punctuation. It is not the time for typos or mistakes — ensure everything is perfect.
  4. Personalize it. Add a personal touch by addressing the recipient by name and using language that shows you understand their needs.
  5. Make it easy to read. Use short paragraphs and bullet points to make the letter easy to scan and understand.

Business Letter Samples

Sample 1

Name of Company

Address of Company


Title of Representative

City, State Zip Code

Dear Representative Name,

It has come to my attention that I recently purchased some promotional items for Company, Inc. On Sep 1st, I ordered 500 promotional items through your website. Within three hours, I received an email notification regarding the confirmation that my order was complete and dispatched to me. Your website has mentioned that there would be a 3–5 business day time for receiving ordered items when they are shipped, but it has been over ten days since my order was placed, and I’m still waiting for them. Do you know anything about what has happened with the shipment or where it might be?

I am assured of your high-quality products and excellent customer service. Will the shipment of promotional items arrive soon? I would appreciate it if you tell me when I might receive it. Thank you in advance for your time in answering my inquiries about this product.


Your name

Phone Number

Email address

Sample 2

Name of Company

Address of Company


Title of Representative

City, State Zip Code

Dear Representative Name,

It was such a pleasure meeting you during the Career Fair last week. As we talked, I feel that the (item) made by your company would make life easier for people going through the (type of) process. I would love to bring some of my teammates to visit your company.

We want to tell you about some of the services we provide so that we can come up with an effective plan for this project together.

Meeting face-to-face would allow us to assess what we are both looking for in a potential partnership. We are available for an appointment over the next three weeks. Feel free to reach me as soon as possible to discuss the type of meeting that will work best for us.

Kind Regards

Your Name

Your Title

Your signature if not emailing

Telephone Number

Email address


Business letters are one of the most vital applications of written communication. Writing a business letter might be daunting; follow these tips and tricks to write the perfect one the next time you need to.

