Glacier Network Secures Series of Grants to Accelerate Programmable Data Composability

Glacier Network
2 min readNov 6, 2023

Hello Web3 communities,

Glacier is delighted to announce a significant milestone in our journey of development and expansion. We are very honored to be on the receiving end of a set of grants by PermaDAO in Arweave ecosystem, Boundless Hackathon Stanford, Foresight X Accelerator Cohort, and Aptos Grant Dao.

Glacier Network is building a composable, modular, and scalable L2 data network for large-scale Dapps, with the mission to empower decentralized apps (DApp) to build on decentralized databases (DDB). It provides programmable data composability powered by L2 rollup solutions to seamlessly and effortlessly handle datasets with NoSQL GlacierDB on top of Arweave, Filecoin, BNB Greenfield, and more.

The grants and support will further empower us to expand our reach and contribute to the advancement of decentralized data infrastructure in a meaningful way.

🔹 PermaDao Grant in Arweave Ecosystem

PermaDao is the most influential community-driven governance DAO within the Arweave ecosystem. Partnering up with PermaDAO, we are solidifying our commitment to Arweave building a more diverse ecosystem by leveraging the permanent storage solution.

🎓 Boundless Hackathon Stanford

Glacier has been selected as a finalist and won the ecosystem bonus in Boundless Hackathon of Stanford, co-hosted by Stanford Blockchain Accelerator, Nautilus Chain, Zebec, and Rootz Labs. This recognition further ignites our motivation to enact meaningful change within the decentralized infrastructure space.

🔸 Foresight X Accelerator Cohort

Glacier Network has been accepted into the Accelerator Cohort of ForesightX, the accelerator arm of Foresight Ventures. With a strong focus on emerging technologies, ForesightX provides a dynamic ecosystem of resources, support, and expertise. We believe ​​this milestone demonstrates our continuous dedication to moving forward in this technological Web3 frontier.

◾️ Aptos Grant Dao

Aptos Network plays a vital role in Glacier Programmable Data Composability. Glacier’s modular design enables developers to seamlessly utilize their desired storage layer across multi-chains powered by L2 Rollup. Glacier is deeply honored to advance the Aptos ecosystem through our composable decentralized database.

We extend our heartfelt gratitude to the grants committees for their support and belief in our vision. We will make the most of this opportunity and look forward to the positive impact these grants will have on our future endeavors.

🧊 About Glacier

Glacier is building the trustless data primitives with a modular, dynamic and scalable decentralized database for large-scale Dapps.

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Glacier Network

Glacier is building a composable, modular and scalable decentralized database for large-scale Dapps.