Gladys Mae Adriano
3 min readMay 19, 2021

Voice from the FEG COMMUNITY!
“They discussed A LOT yesterday. Main points of interest involved marketing. I didn't realize this, but the FEG team has NEVER actually done any funded marketing campaigns yet. ALL the growth that we've seen so far has been 100% organic. Word of mouth shilling by the community...NOTHING funded or official from the team.
Think about that. When I joined the group they had less than 3k members and less than like 2k holders
We now have almost 100k members a over 100k holders.... all from organic growth
They announced in the coming weeks theyre going to begin actually marketing the project. The campaigns already been funded and built by a marketing team. Will be deployed in the coming weeks.
The other main point of discussion was revolving around exchange listings. Basically, a lot of new and existing members were asking about when they can expect FEG to begin getting listed on exchanges.
This was the response...
Basically, the team is not super interested or focused on exchange listings right now. The bread and butter of FEG is Fegex...which is their exchange...They don't want to have FEG listed on major exchanges yet because half the point of the project is to popularize FEGEX. If FEG is available in other platforms, it takes away from the incentive to use FEGEX. So exchange listings will become more of a focus as FEGEX gains popularity.
This might bother some people but is actually pretty smart...
They then went on to explain what exactly about FEGEX is coming and how badass its gonna be...
Get this shit!
They are releasing a ETH-BSC bridge on FEGEX.
So in the next few weeks people are going to be able to trade across ETH and BSC directly... no more having to sell your feg for eth and then swap to smart chain and then buy feg bsc. You will literally be able to swap your shit directly....
Thats gonna be fuckin HUGEEEEE especially as FEGEX grows in popularity and they partner with more coins for direct swap
In theory it has the potential to literally make pancake and uniswap completely obsolete...because FEGEX will offer the utility of trading on and between either chain directly on their platform thats the cliff notes of it.. but yeah, I'm super bullish. Especially as the supply gets burned and more people hop on board from the marketing...
The other thing I'll say if you're new.... watch the charts.. don't panic when it dips...Just watch it.
This coin swings like a bitch day to day, hour by hour...but if you zoom out it has CONSISTENTLY gone up.

Heres what Ive observed starting from a pump
1- Pumps up big time
2-dips in the ballpark of 50% or so from the pumps peak
3- slight dip day to day, but for the most part pretty stagnant sideways movement for a few days or weeks
4- pumps up again and the process repeats
Buy while its stagnant is my advice. It will scale up. Ive been here since early march and it has followed that structure pretty much every single time.

If you're at a loss now its because you bought during the recent hype and it can leave a bad taste in your mouth, I get it..... I'm not one of those guys that hats FUD. A solid project is not going to get angry or offended by FUD...Theyll welcome it because they should be happy to explain away peoples concerns...
DYOR obviously, but I'm very bullish and confident in this shit.

FEG has so much potential long term.

The project was literally built around the idea of providing long term passive income for its holders.....What other crypto project is trying to do that? have faith and HOD” ❤️

This is a good one trust!


Gladys Mae Adriano

I’m not saying Bitcoin is definitely the future, but I am definitely saying definitely Bitcoin can be the future.