Development Update #8

Glance Tech
2 min readJul 19, 2017

In the past month, we have been spending most of our efforts in preparing the first batch of Glance clocks to be shipped, including testing firmware and updating the Glance clock App.

Now, we are close to reaching one of our biggest milestones: actually delivering the Glance clocks to our backers for them to experience it for themselves. Here are the latest updates about the Glance clock.

Here you can see two of the first few Glance clocks to be shipped. Once the first batch is done, we will be shipping the subsequent batches according to the schedule mentioned below. This is a big moment for us and we look forward to shipping the Glance clock to our backers and supporters.

Updated shipping schedule

We are going to ship in four batches:

  1. Indiegogo pre-orders. A few hundred are being shipped (the first batch).
  2. Indiegogo pre-orders. The second batch will be shipped to early backers who backed us during our campaign on Indiegogo before November 1st, 2016.
  3. Indiegogo InDemand pre-orders. The third batch will go to those who ordered Glance Clocks on Indiegogo between November 1st, 2016 and February 1st, 2017.
  4. Website pre-orders. With the fourth batch, we will fulfill the website pre-orders placed after February 1st, 2017.

The next update will come in a month’s time.

Thank You for Glancing!

The Glance Team

You can still pre-order Glance Clock for a 15% discount from the retail price. With more Glance Clocks, you and your family can have even more efficient and organized schedules.



Glance Tech

Introducing Glance clock which shows information from your Apps, smart home devices and more!