Memes For a Broken Heart…

G. Mendelson
2 min readOct 26, 2018


… This one is very poignant; it speaks to my longing to be the right person for her.

A collection of memes, like a bad art exhibition, for the broken-hearted among us…

… This one is a reminder of what love does to my insides, every time.
… This one is a way to try and feel empowered after getting dumped.
… This one is an attempt at getting empowered.
… This is tells me what I’m doing wrong.
… And this one hits me in the gut… I love “love at first sight”… don’t ruin my fantasy.
… Some need no explanation.
… And finally, this one is very healing. Perhaps the best words that I could ever hope to read right now.
… Well said.



G. Mendelson

Published writer for The Huffington Post, LinkedIn, and; Admirer of the elusive true love…