What You Cannot See…

G. Mendelson
2 min readJan 21, 2022


When I look upon you, a sight for sore eyes,

You make me smile, you brighten MY world,

A woman whose very existence brings hope to me,

That I am someone, who can feel love, through another person's happiness,

For when you are happy, I feel happy — but I am not happy,

Because in my heart, I can feel my existence is for your convenience, for your “entertainment”,

That I would spend a lifetime making you happy, while in fact I am nothing but a novelty to you,

That you never cared what I did for you, because I was too insignificant for you to care,

The love that I give to you, is something, that you cannot see,

The same way that the pain I feel because of you, is something you cannot see,

I have always known, have always felt, and have always conceded, that I am nothing to you,

Even while I struggled to make you smile.

Why is it, that I try so hard to make you see — that I can love you like no other?

Why do I go through my self-inflicted anguish?

And why would you, the object of my passion, dismiss me?

I was taught that love was supposed to be joyful, happy, and full of hope for good things,

But you give me something else — something that is NOT love,

You make me feel alone,

You make me feel — invisible,

You make me feel worthless now,

Because to you, I am someone, that you cannot see…



G. Mendelson

Published writer for The Huffington Post, LinkedIn, and TED.com; Admirer of the elusive true love…