When You Realize That You’re Only Her Friend…

G. Mendelson
2 min readNov 2, 2018


As much as I’m in love with you,

I know you don’t love me back…

How do I know, that I’m only your friend?

You always call me honey. Nothing else.

You never hold my hand, even when we’re alone, anymore.

You never hug me anymore.

You stopped sharing pictures with me.

You lean on me, the way a sister leans on her brother.

You always ask me to go places with you, but never “with” you.

When I tell you I love you, you don’t respond anymore, even face to face.

We are still close, but now only when you need me for something.

You answer your phone, even when I’m talking to you.

You forget certain important things, that are important to me.

You don’t acknowledge when I do things for you anymore.

You stopped staring at me, into me.

You don’t even go to lunch with me anymore.

And when this happens…

You stop being cute,

You stop being adorable,

I stop letting things go, like when you forget to call me,

You stop being my dream.

I love you so much, but I know now that you only want me as a friend…

… and I will never be more to you, than a convenience, and an afterthought…

I don’t want to let go of you, of my deep love for you.

But do I have any other choice?



G. Mendelson

Published writer for The Huffington Post, LinkedIn, and TED.com; Admirer of the elusive true love…