Week 25: Putting Theory Into Practice

2 min readJun 23, 2020


Photo by ThisIsEngineering from Pexels

There are thousands if not hundreds of thousands of books on entrepreneurship. Theories created and well-traversed, thoughtful lessons passed down from more experienced entrepreneurs. The journey through startup life is full of challenges of all shapes and sizes coming from all directions. Learning from others’ mistakes is a sure-fire way to save you time and money.

But the simple act of knowing does not suffice — reading a book, watching a video, or listening to a podcast just isn’t enough. Putting theory into practice and more importantly knowing when to do so, is the real magic.

This week was one such moment for Cybee. Having completed our first prototype, we had to apply what we had learnt to ensure that the prototype was seen by as many relevant people as possible. Creating a launch communication and survey is a balancing act between choosing; the relevant language, the most impact questions, the optimal number of questions, the correct target audience and the preferred platform of distribution. You will be surprised how carried away you can get in this process. You’ve worked hard on your product offering and naturally want to send it to every internet user out there. But you must stick to the book and focus on your objective of the launch campaign to ensure you receive quality feedback.

What we’ve learnt this week:

When designing client communication, it is important to look for as many different perspectives and opinions as possible. Your proximity to the creation of almost anything can rob you of your objectivity. A fresh pair of eyes can save you a lot of hard work.

Get as many different perspectives before clicking send.




Empowering children to engage with the internet in a safe and responsible manner. www.cybee.es