gleam Technologies
2 min readFeb 3, 2016

Latest Trends in the Field Of Web Designing

Web Designing trends keep on changing and the chief reason behind it is the dynamic nature of this particular field. New trends keep on coming after every few months and it can be said that not many trends can hold their place for a long time. Most of the trends get obsolete as soon as new technologies and innovations come into existence. Experts from Gleam Technologies say that 2015 has been a remarkable year for the professional web designers and now the year 2016 is probably going to get even better. Read on to the latest web designing trends:

· Subtle Animation

Gone are the days when over the top kind of animation elements used to rule the minds of web designers across the globe. Now is the time for creative yet subtle animations. A simpler animation helps in providing a classy look to the website and therefore the preference has shifted from loud animation to subtle animation.

· Emphasis on functions rather than looks

If you are a web designer then you must be clear about one thing and that is to keep your focus only on improving the functional aspects of a website. Stop utilizing your time and energy on working on the look of a website that you are designing. Yes it is true that the web design must be appealing but the more weightage must be in the matter of functions. There is no use of an extremely attractive website it doesn’t function properly.

· Clever use of Videos

You can make a website interesting by adding a video to it. Use your imagination and find out effective ways to make an informative video that can keep the clients engaged while they are going through a website. Avoid videos in case you think that it wouldn’t be of much use.