5 Stylish Costumes ideas For Men at Halloween Store

Glendale Halloween
4 min readNov 2, 2017

Be attentive Guys! Halloween festival is about to come and ladies are planning hard for the Halloween party. They are visiting Halloween stores, buying costumes, making decorations and dieting from so long to get fit into the dress for Halloween night. And if they are doing so much to make their Halloween exciting and memorable,”Why Not You”?

We all know that you will start planning a week before 31st October when you realize its just seven days left to gather all Halloween stuff. The chances are also there that you can miss some of the items which will show your awesomeness and make you stand out among people.

Apart from other Halloween stuff, a costume is an important item that showcase your personality. Though you are not sure who will you be on Halloween night and what costume to buy for the party, we are here with a plethora of choices to skip your last-minute run to the nearest pop-up Halloween Store.

Five stylish men’s costumes to purchase at Glendale Halloween Store :


Who is your favorite movie hero? It seems strange asking about your favorite tv character here but he can also be your choice for 2017 Halloween. There is no compulsion to go for a famous superstar, you can choose any one of your choice like a superhero, cartoonist, or comedian. Few characters most of the time guys go for are : Popeye, Looney Tunes, Angry bird, The Walking Dead, and Captain Jack Sparrow.


Who says that grown up guys will not look good in men’s humorous costumes? Aside from spooky, scary and creepy costumes, humorous costumes are also high in demand every Halloween season. You can easily get these from Glendale Halloween Store. If your purpose is just to bring laughter on Halloween night then these costumes will give you an extra boost to achieve your goal.


While we are discussing about men’s Halloween costumes, nothing could be better than historical and patriotic costumes. This type of costumes will be stylish and shows your love towards patriotism. You can easily find the famous personalities of history from the web like : George Washington, Thomas Jefferson, and Ben Franklin for dressing up in a historical style this Halloween season.


Halloween is the best time to opt your dream superhero look. Choosing superhero costumes for Halloween night will give you a chance to introduce your favorite dream character to your family and loved ones. It might be challenging but our costumes like — Superman, Ironman, Batman, Haw key and the Incredible Hulk will help you achieving your look. People also like to see their favorite superheroes or sports players visiting their party. So, if you are going to someone else’s party you can also surprise them with a different look.


To give you another idea, we have one more costume choice which is Greek and roman style. It is the most popular choice of today’s generation. There are various style costumes available in the market that you would have never thought of. You can choose to look like Caesar, a gladiator, or a Roman senator too. This is an ideal costume idea that will give you a completely different look.

You have plenty of options to choose from our Glendale Halloween store. So, which costume you are more excited to wear this year? From spooky to scary and funny to creepy, every type of costume is available at our store for a memorable Halloween party.



Glendale Halloween

We carry the largest selection of Halloween costumes & makeup accessories at Glendale Halloween Store.