Another Great Video on Why the Webb Photos Show the Big Bang Theory is Wrong

Most cosmogonical propaganda on the meaning of the most distant photos obtained by the James Webb Space Telescope still favors the Big Bang Theory — this more scientific account doesn’t

Glenn Borchardt


Thanks to George Coyne and DelRay Burbach for the heads up on this video:

George says: “This is the best video that I have seen on how the JWST falsifies the BBT.”

DelRay says: “Amazing stuff! Your thoughts on this presentation?”

[GB: I agree, this is quite a professional presentation. It does a good, brief job of explaining how the Webb photos were obtained and some of the contradictions challenging the Big Bang Theory. About my only quibble is the narrator’s assumption the universe had a beginning. Looks like the demise of the Last Creation Theory will be a long time coming.]

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Glenn Borchardt

Dr. Borchardt, scientific philosopher and theoretical physicist, has advanced Infinite Universe Theory as the ultimate replacement for the Big Bang Theory.