Do Astrophysicists Really Believe That Fantastic Stuff About the Big Bang Theory?

They apparently do, but not for nefarious reasons.

Glenn Borchardt
3 min readSep 26, 2022


Cosmogonist Finally Doubting the Big Bang Theory? (Photo by Donald Teel on Unsplash).

A question from Joe Lennon:

“Do astrophysicists really have an agenda to poison the minds of others? I wonder if they know that they are full of crap, and are just trying to dumb down others, or are they truly ignorant of their misinformation. Do they just want a world filled with others as stupid as they are, or do they want a world full of dummies that they can manipulate?”

[GB: Joe:

I don’t think that miseducation, regressive physics, cosmogony, religion, and capitalism are conspiracies, as some folks seem to think. It just so happens, however, that all those activities benefit certain people to the detriment of other people. If you don’t believe that, just “follow the money” and receive your edification. Aside from a comfortable existence, “money” means prestige, famosity, and control over others and the environment.

I don’t know if the folks you mention have even a vague notion of whether their propaganda is false or not, although I would imagine some of the more cynical ones probably do. Some may have gradually recognized the contradictions, but their careers depend on conforming, not challenging regressive physics…



Glenn Borchardt

Dr. Borchardt, scientific philosopher and theoretical physicist, has advanced Infinite Universe Theory as the ultimate replacement for the Big Bang Theory.