First Alteration of an Asteroid Orbit a Huge Success for Humanity and Infinite Universe Theory

Another instance of Einstein’s relativity being left in the dust by NASA’s Newtonian Mechanics

Glenn Borchardt
5 min readOct 17, 2022


Figure 1. The 170-m wide Dimorphos just before the collision. Credit: NASA.

Readers know I have been outrageously critical of relativity because of the opportunistic religious assumptions hidden beneath all the math (see especially “Religious Roots of Relativity”). The universe does not work that way — everything simply is matter in motion, as implied by Newton’s three laws. While some of NASA’s experiments have been erroneously interpreted as though they support Einstein, DART is not one of them.

NASA’s great achievement demonstrated that it is possible to send a rocket over 10 million kilometers to collide with and alter the orbit of another cosmological object. In this first instance, the orbit of a small asteroid (Dimorphos) was decreased as it continued to revolve around a large asteroid (Didymos). Jerry Coyne and his friend Jim Batterson do a great job explaining the DART experiment: Jerry includes a link to the hour-long video of the presser and one on the 39 secs preceding the collision. The upshot, as Jim writes, is that “the orbit of Dimorphos around Didymos changed significantly —…



Glenn Borchardt

Dr. Borchardt, scientific philosopher and theoretical physicist, has advanced Infinite Universe Theory as the ultimate replacement for the Big Bang Theory.