Front stage at the End-of-the-Universe trope

The “heat death of the universe” idea is popular among cosmogonists, those who assume the universe is finite and had a beginning. Although completely logical, it is completely wrong.

Glenn Borchardt


Regressive physicists and cosmogonists invariably assume the Eighth Assumption of Religion, finity (The universe is finite, both in the microcosmic and macrocosmic directions). Without that critical assumption, the Big Bang Theory could not exist. Without the propaganda provided by equally gullible media, the lay public would be spared such illogical nonsense. Among the chief propagandists is New Scientist, a popular “science” magazine I have been following for over 4 decades. It has some good stuff, but beware: You better use some good winnowing and sifting when it comes to theoretical physics and cosmology.

With the invention of the Internet, the staff has become increasingly aggressive in spreading the Word. Along with their more expensive “New Scientist Academy” the latest is the “BIG THINKERS” lecture series designed to mislead us all down the right path. The example below promotes Katie Mack as the heir-apparent to deGrasse. I hope she replaces him on the Late Show. At least we would get someone new to continue the old Big Bang BS.

Sorry that this notice is a bit late — you missed your chance to become a “BIG THINKER.” It is a shame for you to miss it if you still don’t believe…



Glenn Borchardt

Dr. Borchardt, scientific philosopher and theoretical physicist, has advanced Infinite Universe Theory as the ultimate replacement for the Big Bang Theory.