Shocking News III: 450-Million-Year-Old Spiral Galaxy Falsifies the Big Bang Theory

Oops! Spiral galaxies like the Milky Way take over 10 billion years to form, with the latest such “elderly galaxies” once again “surprising” cosmogonists.

Glenn Borchardt


The spiral at the center of this photo is said to have formed in only 450 million years. Photo credit: NASA/ESA/CSA/Tommaso Treu

According to the Big Bang Theory, there should be no stars, elliptical galaxies, or certainly no spiral galaxies with a cosmological redshift this great (z = 10.5). Ashley Strickland of CNN just scooped us all with yesterday’s announcement of the latest result from the James Webb Space Telescope. She includes the above photo of what seems to be the most elderly galaxy with a clearly spiral shape. Her article is:

Webb telescope finds two of the most distant galaxies ever observed

With the erroneous assumptions and the mathematical restrictions of the Big Bang Theory, nothing in the supposedly expanding universe can be older that 13.8-billion-years. That puts the squeeze on the calculated ages of objects at high cosmological redshifts. The next shoe to drop in this lengthy adventure is our prediction that the 450-million-year-old spiral above contains elements heavier than hydrogen and helium. You see, old galaxies contain old stars, some of which are so large they develop the extremely high pressures…



Glenn Borchardt

Dr. Borchardt, scientific philosopher and theoretical physicist, has advanced Infinite Universe Theory as the ultimate replacement for the Big Bang Theory.