What is the meaning of curiosity in scientific attitude?

Infinite Universe Theory is the ultimate product of scientific curiosity.

Glenn Borchardt
5 min readAug 10, 2022


Results from the James Webb Space Telescope are products of humanity’s infinite curiosity, which, I predict, will lead to our ultimate realization the universe is infinite. That telescope threatens to increase the current 2-trillion galaxy estimate by a factor of 10. With an estimated 400 billion stars in our own galaxy, that is a lot of evidence in support of Infinite Universe Theory. How much more evidence do we need?

Yet, cosmogonists (those who assume the universe had a beginning) still believe all that stuff exploded out of nothing (or a “singularity,” as the venerable Professor Hawking mathematized). But, as soon as the first fuzz ball in the night sky was proven to be a galaxy containing a trillion stars, with each star being like our own Sun, we had a choice:

1. The universe exploded out of nothing, or

2. The universe is infinite.

Neither of those can be completely proven, in the same way our scientific faith that there are “causes for all effects” cannot be completely proven. Infinity requires us to make assumptions. While each thing in the universe had a beginning, the material for constructing each of those things had to come from somewhere else. That is what the 2nd choice provides us. The 1st choice is traditional and amounts to the last gasp of creationism, a myopic construct…



Glenn Borchardt

Dr. Borchardt, scientific philosopher and theoretical physicist, has advanced Infinite Universe Theory as the ultimate replacement for the Big Bang Theory.