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The Ralph Lauren Corporation: Dressing up your portfolio.

During uncertain economic times, consumers tend to gravitate towards brands they are familiar with and trust, as well as styles that have lasting appeal beyond just one season. The Ralph Lauren brand has demonstrated longevity for decades. Thus, the Ralph Lauren Corporation may outperform its peers as long as the world is facing uncertain economic times. In this analysis, I will investigate whether now is the right time to invest in the Ralph Lauren Corporation.

Glenn Jørgensen
10 min readDec 18, 2023


This is not a financial advice. I am not a financial advisor, and I only write these posts to share my own analysis and discuss on my decisions. If you are considering investing in any of the ideas I present, it is important to conduct your own research or seek advice from a professional financial advisor. This is because all investments carry a risk of potential loss.

The Business

The Ralph Lauren Corporation was founded in New York, United States, in 1967 by Ralph Lauren. The Ralph Lauren Corporation is a worldwide leader in…



Glenn Jørgensen

I also write at I look for undervalued stocks with growth potential.