Masternode Review — BitSend (BSD)… The future coin for everyday transactions?

Master Glenn
4 min readOct 24, 2018


Bitsend is an established masternode crypto currency, designed as a “Transaction medium for day to day transactions”

Looking at a structural comparison between BTC, Dash, and BitSend; the obvious strengths include a capability of high number of transactions and a low cost transaction fees. These coin properties are aligned to the needs of a coin capable of supporting day to day transactions through cryptocurrency.

(Data taken from in October 2018)

When evaluating BitSend, I found several features that were also aligned with that purpose and this included:

  • SegWit integration
  • Low Cost transaction fees
  • Security features, and a
  • Strong Masternode Network

It also seems to me that the team also look like they have plenty of Development in the pipeline also aligning with this mission, including what looks to be a roll out on the Lightning network.

Speaking with the BitSend team in a recent NY Crypto conference, there was obvious passion around the project and one of the motivating factors in undertaking the project was the desire to develop a unique distribution model of value over 30 years. With a stated goal on their white paper stating the desire to achieve a “Fair distribution over more than one generation”.

This is very different to most Masternode distribution models that generally distribute many coins initially and then tail off over time. Distributing BSD steadily for over 30 years means that BitSend can avoid concentration of the ownership in the hands of a small number of

”whales”, leading to less manipulation and a fair return on an investment. This fair sentiment seemed to be the underlying motivation of the team.

With a strong list of exchanges that BitSend is available on, there is liquidity for a low cap coin, making it an additionally attractive investment and trading vehicle too. (For list of exchanges see below).

In evaluating the fundamentals of the project I have been very impressed with the groundwork of this solid coin, BSD has all the foundations to rival some of the biggest players in crypto, as a currency of choice — for everyday transactions. The next step in the projects evolution would be to establish strong partnerships and agreements for high volume transactions. I am excited to watch and see what direction the team move in regards to utility. Whatever unfolds, I feel they have the foundation to achieve something special.

If you wanted to check out the project in more detail here is some collated information.

Bitsend Webpage Bitsend BSD Webpage with all Infos about.
Bitsend ANN Bitsend Bitcointalk Thread
Bitsend Github Bitsend Github Repo

Bitsend Whitepaper English

Paperwallet Bitsend Paperwallet Generator
Bitsend QT Wallet Bitsend Github releases
Coinomi Android Wallet Coinomi Android Wallet
Coinomi iOS Wallet Coinomi iOS Wallet

cryptoID Bitsend chainz Blockexplorer


Auto Exchanges
InstaSwap InstaSwap — Simple. Fast. Secure.

Buy with FIAT
Indacoin Buy Cryptocurrency Instantly

Market Info

CoinMarketCap Bitsend Ranking by Market Capitalization
WorldCoinIndex Bitsend price index and market cap
CryptoCompare Live Bitsend prices, trades and volumes
ATHCoinIndex Bitsend ATH price & market capitalizations Bitsend Masternodes Info


Bitsend Sponsor Bitsend #BTCM Germany Essen (2017)

Bitsend Twitter Bitsend Twitter feed
Bitsend Reddit Bitcore Reddit
Bitsend Discord Bitsend Discord Group
Bitsend Forum Bitsend Forum — Bitsendtalk
Bitcoin Garden Forum Bitsend Forum @Bitcoin Garden Forum (Russian) Bitsend Forum
Bitsend Faucet

Telegram Channels
Telegram (English) Bitsend Telegram Channel English
Telegram (German) Bitsend Telegram Channel German
Telegram (Russian) Bitsend Telegram Channel English


Tools and Services Bitsend Masternode — ROI, Setup, Invest
Bitsend Masternode Calculator BitSend Masternode Calculator. Invest and earning overview.
GeneralBytes ATM Server / Client Software
Mnemonic Code Converter A web tool for converting BIP39 mnemonic codes
Cryptonaut Easily track your cryptocurrency portfolio

Dockers Images
Bitsend MN Docker Run a Bitend Masternode in a Docker Container (Docker Image)
Bitsend Seeder Seeder for the Bitsend BSD Network (Docker Image)

Development Libraries
pycoin Python-based Bitcoin and alt-coin utility library
crptwav Go library for address validation

Related Awesome Lists
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Master Glenn

As Co Founder of, I have a passion for Masternode related projects; in this new exciting Crypto and Blockchain revolution!