Jesus Isn’t The Answer

Glenn Siepert
2 min readFeb 17, 2018


The question we all need to be confronted with, the question we all need to wrestle with, the question we all need to engage and take seriously and come to grips with:

“Who do you say that I (Jesus) am? Lord? Good, then will you go and do and live as I did?”

What if Jesus isn’t the answer to all of life’s problems …

If we’d just put God back in the schools.

If we’d just put God back at the center of our country.

If we’d just put God here.

If we’d just put God there.

… As much as He is the question we need to pose to all of life’s problems?

He came and showed us how to live; He came to earth and fought with weapons not of this world …

The weapon of sacrifice.

The weapon of love.

The weapon of inclusion.

The weapon of turning the other cheek.

The weapon of going the second mile.

What if we looked at the problems in our lives and in our world square in the face and asked them, “who do you say that Jesus is? And will you go and live life in His footsteps, in the ways that He modeled for us?”

We will?

Great, then …

It’s time to put down our weapons and love.

It’s time to tear down our walls and include.

It’s time to lower our voices and listen.

It’s time to turn the other cheek.

It’s time to go the extra mile.

It’s time to sacrifice our desire to be right and to be the best on the altar of friendship and love and fellowship with our neighbor, regardless of their heritage, background, sexuality, age, gender, etc.

Why? Because faith without works is dead. And even the demons believe in God.

I like to imagine a world where these qualities and the many others that Jesus modeled for us are the code and core principles of every human being … starting with me.

One day, that’ll be true. For now, though, the burden of responsibility falls on us.

Tomorrow is a new day, the first day of the rest of eternity. Let’s make it better than today.



Glenn Siepert

I write and talk about things at the What If Project podcast