1 min readJun 21, 2017


Okay, I’ll be very generous and give you several benefits of the doubt before explaining why you’re article is stupid and dishonest:

  1. Let’s assume that “follow this link to something that I wrote that supports my point” is a reasonable way to argue about economics.
  2. Let’s assume that the basic laws of economics and physics are wrong. For every action there is an equal and opposite reaction. Nonsense! There are secondary consequences of economic policy that are often overlooked. Silly!
  3. Let’s assume that although economists are split on the issue (leaning slightly towards my point of view), you are correct, and raising the minimum wage will not decrease employment greatly (love the word “greatly” by the way… it brings so much subjectivity into the discussion that you can get away with saying anything!).

Taking all of that as orthodoxy, you are still wrong.

Your post and my post do not focus on economic data. They both focus on why Conservatives are opposed to the minimum wage. Reasons for supporting political positions are not equal to evidence demonstrating the effects of policies.

What you have done, via ignorance, malice, or both, is to represent the views of your political opponents in a way that makes them look like bad people instead of people who simply disagree with you.

The reason the US is so divided is because one side refuses to try to understand the other side. Instead of asking “why do you think that?,” the Left tells the Right “here is why you think that.”

You are part of the problem.

