Introducing Quests

Learn about new ways to earn GLIF Points

3 min read5 days ago

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See our first Quest, powered by Galxe.

GLIF Points represent the protocol’s first steps towards decentralizing protocol decision making, and in the interim serve as a new community engagement mechanism. Up until now, there have only been two ways to earn GLIF Points — by depositing FIL into GLIF as a Liquidity Provider, or by renting FIL from GLIF as a Storage Provider. With the introduction of “Quests”, community members will have new ways to earn GLIF Points.

What are Quests?

Quests serve as unique opportunities to earn GLIF Points by completing a specific activity. For example, a Quest could require someone to join our Discord or Telegram community, reward people for storing files on Filecoin, or incentivize GLIF users to try out one of our partner projects. The design space for Quests is limitless, and can encompass many different types of activities.

The first Quest — Join the GLIF Community

Our first Quest launches today — it’s a Quest hosted by Galxe where GLIF users are rewarded with points for following GLIF’s Social Media accounts. $1000 USDC and up to 1M GLIF Points will be distributed in this Quest.

Head over to our Galxe Quest and start earning points now!

Why are Quests important?

Quests are important for 3 reasons:

  1. Grow the GLIF ecosystem — as GLIF’s protocol decision making begins to decentralize, it’s important that the community represents a diverse crowd of users with unique experiences and perspectives. Larger, more engaged ecosystems serve as a better foundation for decentralized governance. Quests can help GLIF’s small community grow into a diverse ecosystem of users who eventually govern the protocol.
  2. Increase adoption of Filecoin as a storage network — Filecoin is a unique blockchain because it’s value proposition is to offer services around data — storage, retrieval, and compute. GLIF’s success is, in part, determined by the underlying usefulness and success of Filecoin. Quests can incentivize people to interact and experiment with the Filecoin network, helping to drive adoption and uncover new areas for improvement.
  3. Work closer with partner projects — GLIF has been around Filecoin for many years, and we have a lot of friends working on cool projects. In the next phase of GLIF’s growth, we’d lke to develop closer collaborations with partner projects — Quests serve as a mechanism for rewarding GLIF users for interacting with partner projects.

Looking forward — Quest designers

The core GLIF team has been in charge of determining the first few Quests. However, moving forward, Quests will serve as a sandbox for decentralized decision making — any member of the GLIF community will be able to propose a new Quest, while the rest of the community will be responsible for approving or rejecting the Quest. If you have ideas for Quests, we’d love to hear from you!

Jump in our Telegram or Discord if you have any questions or interesting ideas.




The Infinity Pool is open to FIL holders and Storage Providers.