Ways to Keep Your Podcast Listeners Glued

Gustaf Lindberg
3 min readNov 4, 2018


If you are a podcaster, one of your core priorities is to produce content that’s captivating enough to keep your listeners glued. Why is this critical? Your inability to keep your audience’s attention can cause you to lose even your most loyal followers.

While there’s really no foolproof way to guarantee listeners will stay glued to your show from start to finish, it’s reassuring to know there are a few measures you can do to keep them engaged and interested.

Ensure the quality of your audio is outstanding

Regardless of how interesting your guest is or how engrossing your topic may be, you can’t expect your listeners to really stick around if your sound quality leaves much to be desired.

Understandably, no one wants to listen to a podcast where background noises are aplenty and the voices are muffled. That being said, consider it a wise idea to get podcast editing help from the experts.

Thankfully, nowadays, getting competent podcast editing help is both easy and straightforward. For instance, you can now easily get in touch with the seasoned team of Podcast Engineers online and they’ll be able to effortlessly polish your audio to perfection.

Use the power of storytelling to your advantage

Who doesn’t love a good story? There’s no denying amazing storytelling will never get old. And the great thing is you can use its power to work for you.

Also, aside from ensuring you brush up on your storytelling chops, consider it wise to also make sure both your transition and flow are smooth. A smooth flow and transition is key so your audience will have a more superb listening experience.

Always aim to provide exceptional content

At all times, you should make it your goal to deliver content that’s truly topnotch. Fortunately, there is no shortage of amazing content you can tackle given you set aside time to do your research.

It would also be a wonderful idea to take note of authorities and prominent personalities in your field so they can share their expertise with your listeners.

Ensure the conversation is kept interesting

This part can be challenging sans proper preparation. In line with this, make sure you have an episode outline handy. Also, don’t shy away from making the conversation light and fun.

Contrary to popular belief, your podcast does not have to be uber serious for it to be considered topnotch. You can still inject humour and fun yet deliver something beneficial and meaty.

Get your listeners involved

This technique is one many podcasters have adopted. Why? It will not only make your listeners feel special, it is also one of the best ways to foster loyalty. Ask for their recommendations.

Ask for topics they want you to cover. Take every idea and recommendation you receive into account.

You can also create a poll where they can vote for guests they want you to invite over. Not only will it make them feel valued, it will also send a message that you have nothing but their best listening experience in mind.

Did I miss out anything? We other techniques do you swear by?



Gustaf Lindberg

Swede who calls California home. Entrepreneur who's into technology, history, and podcasting.