2015 was the year Glitchnap grew up. We quit our day jobs and started working on games full time. It was a year of several game releases, award nominations, workshops and good times.
To celebrate, we’ve compiled this look back at the year that was. It’s self-serving, we know, but in case you ever thought to yourself: “Hey, what have those Glitchnap people been up to?”, this one’s for you.
February 2015
Joon co-organized the Belgian games expo Screenshake in Antwerp and, eyeing the chance for a roadtrip, Mads and Jonas came down to visit.
While we where there, we also gave a Burn The Keyboard workshop on alternative controllers:
March 2015
Game Developers Conference 2015
In what has slowly become a company tradition, we flew to San Francisco to attend GDC for the third time:
Joon hosted the Tech Toolbox session where developers shared cool, internal tech workarounds with the community. One of them was Mads, who took the stage to tell about a Unity timeline tool we made for Sentree:
Jonas also gave a presentation of Sentree for the Experimental Gameplay Workshop on the conference’s last day:
Speaking of Sentree, we got 4/5 of the team in one place for a commemorative photo-op. The remaining 1/5 of the team — Erwin — was there with us in our hearts.
March 2015
EGX Rezzed
A few days after GDC, Jonas took a quick trip to London to show Sentree at the EGX Rezzed games expo in London:
April 2015
A-MAZE Festival
With spring, so came the A-MAZE Games Festival in Berlin where Joon and Jonas went to show off Sentree, which was among the nominees in the festival’s aptly named “Human Human Computer” category.
April 2015
LAZA KNITEZ!! released on Steam
Also in April — our little local multiplayer game LAZA KNITEZ!! became available on Steam in the “Indie Mixtape” games bundle from Curve Digital:
May 2015
“Try Harder” released on iOS
We ported and released Try Harder — our endless runner on acid — in the iOS App Store with Adult Swim:
On the day of release we woke up, turned on our computers and saw Try Harder featured as “Best New Game” in the App Store by Apple (cue freak-out celebration dances at the office):
May 2015
Nordic Game Indie Night
Mads and Joon went with the Copenhagen Game Collective to Malmø to run the yearly Nordic Game conference’s Indie Night. While we were there, we got the Try Harder team together (again, with a bit of help from Photoshop for Jonas) to celebrate.
Summer 2015
– Crunch Intermission –
Back in early 2015 Cartoon Network contacted us and asked us to make a mobile game for their upcoming show We Bare Bears which would debut in August. As spring turned into summer we hunkered down to design and develop the project.
August 2015
Free Fur All was released
Free Fur All is a collection of 6 silly mini-games in the “We Bare Bears” universe that you play on your smartphone or tablet. It’s single player with the ability to challenge your friends in a networked multiplayer tournament mode.
Free Fur All was also featured as “Best New Game” by Apple, meaning it got to hang out with the cool kids in the App Store top charts for a bit:
August 2015
Burn The Keybaord at the V&A London
Right after the launch of Free Fur All, Joon and Mads went to London and gave a Burn The Keyboard workshop at the V&A in London with help from Alex Johansson and Alistair Aitchison (hi Alex and Alistair!)
September 2015
For belated summer vacations Joon went to South Africa, Jonas went to NYC and Mads stayed home, thus forming a Glitchnap triangle spanning three different continents:
October 2015
The last big event of 2015 was IndieCade in Culver City, CA., where Sentree was a finalist in the festival award:
Jonas and Mads took a plane to attend and showcase Sentree during the event:
Besides hanging out with cool indie devs we also captured footage of people playing Sentree at the festival expo and cut a short trailer when we got home:
Winter 2015 —
We wrapped 2015 by kicking off our new game project Suprematism: A collection of abstract, minimal puzzle games designed for mobile devices. Suprematism is still in development at the moment, but we’re excited to show more of it to you this year.
And that about wraps up 2015. Thanks to everyone we collaborated, partied, talked and played with in 2015. We look forward to more of the same in 2016.