If a mirror could reflect its own reflection, what would it see?

G.L. Merrick
Nov 1, 2023


Mirrors reflect light. You are light.
The mirror sees you, the human being standing in front of it combing your hair. Would it see you yawning, wishing that you could have stayed in bed a little longer? Could it see the warm sunlit tree that peers behind you? Could it open you to seeing the infinite possibilities of this beautiful day? Could it open you to seeing your splendor? Embrace the day as you see yourself in the mirror. Embrace your originality. Embrace your unique wisdom gathered from years of experiences or perhaps lifetimes of experiences. See your reflection. Embrace your strength, courage, and trust your truth. See yourself beyond the reflection.

#poem #poetry #mirror #reflection #self #glmerrick #knowthyself ll



G.L. Merrick

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