Promsvyazbank Intruded Into The Married Life Of Alexey Ananyev

Wes Martin
2 min readAug 28, 2019


The Meshhchansky court of Moscow started to consider Promsvyazbank’s claim demanding to terminate the prenuptial agreement of one of the bank’s former owners, Alexey Ananyev and his wife Daria, in order to recover from the businessman compensation for the lawsuit for 282 billion rubles. Information on the case is available on the official portal of the courts of general jurisdiction in Moscow. The court hearing was scheduled for August 20, but was adjourned for an unnamed reason, with a new court hearing scheduled for September 12.

At a meeting on the 20th August, representatives of the parties filed motions to request documents that were only partially satisfied. The judge announced the case in order to refuse to transfer the case on jurisdiction, to consider the case in the Meshchansky court of Moscow. According to the case file, Alexey Ananyev transferred to his wife all his real estate and about 5 thousand works of art through a prenuptial agreement, which was concluded two months before the rehabilitation of Promsvyazbank.

Promsvyazbank, before the rehabilitation which began in December 2017 belonged to the Ananyev brothers- Dmitry and Alexei Ananyev, and was owned by the Federal Property Managament who in December 2018 filed a lawsuit against the Ananyev brothers, demanding compensation for damage in the amount of 282.2 billion rubles. According to the bank, the brothers paid their debts with his money.

The Moscow Arbitration Court on May 30 2019 seized the property of the Ananyev brothers, thereby partially satisfying the requirements of Promsvyazbank with the list of seized property, in particular being the building and collection of the Museum of the Institute of Russian Realistic Art (IRRI), as well as more than 50 real estate objects, including residential buildings and land, two Bombardier Challenger 650 aircraft and cars.

IRRI closed after a court decision and two weeks later Promsvyazbank announced the disappearance of the arrested paintings from the museum. It turned out as a result of the audit that the arrested works were removed from the exhibition. The museum staff claimed that the paintings were placed in storage and packed for transportation with the exposition being based on works by artists of the sixties, including folk artists, full members of the Russian Academy of Arts Geliy Korzhev, brothers Sergey and Alexey Tkachev, Viktor Ivanov, Peter Ossovsky, Dmitry Zhilinsky, Tair Salakhov and others.

Brothers Dmitry and Alexey Ananyev in 1992 founded Technoserv, which became Russia’s top information technology (IT) company servicing Ministry of Interior, FSB (intel) and Russian government. The Ananyevs, three years later and having become billionaires teamed with Moscow Intercity and International Telephone to establish Promsvyazbank. Follow The Washington Times article “Global banking’s house of cards” for detailed information on Ananyev Promsvyazbank- how for some people legitimate success is not enough. The Ananyevs proved how easy it is to manipulate international financial systems.



Wes Martin

Global banking’s house of cards