Featured Global Citizen: @hiimcosmo#1852

Global Citizen Club
4 min readJun 3, 2022

Life on The Beach is filled with fun games and activities. At the Global Citizen Club, we host contests and events frequently to keep our Islanders (GCC holders) entertained, while giving them the opportunity to win rewards such as GCC Points, $MILE, exclusive NFTs and more!

With a diverse community like ours, it’s always exciting to learn more about our members and how they got into the NFT space. This week, we spoke to @hiimcosmo#1852, an active Discord member and one of the winners of our Beach Activities.

Hi! Tell us a bit about yourself.
I am from Taiwan and I’m currently a university student.

What does a typical day look like for you?
Wake up, have some tea or milk, go to school, have some lunch, attend lectures, head back to the dorm, check Twitter and participate in giveaways, listen to music and watch Youtube & Netflix. Most importantly, chilling in the GCC Discord server!

How do you keep yourself motivated?
I need to rely on various types of music in order to keep me awake, sometimes I drink Redbull. However, even when I’m tired, I find myself never giving up in order to gain success in my future career. So I think a clear goal is very important.

Tell us 3 things you currently own that you’re proud of, and why.

  1. My New Balance 991. I freaking love the shoe. Not only is it comfortable, but also clean and stylish!
  2. My cat, because he is always there whenever I’m studying or bored.
  3. Last but not least, my GCC NFT! It’s my first ever NFT and I still love it very much, and the art itself is so classy and timeless!

At GCC, we’re coffee addicts enthusiasts. What’s the best coffee you’ve ever had?
Lavazza Oro.

What about wine?
I really don’t like wine. Can’t stand the taste of alcohol! 😂

Fair enough. Now tell us, how and when did you first venture into Web3/NFTs?
I watched a video about Web3 and NFTs about 3 months ago, and I found it very interesting! All these different projects and ideas really caught my attention, so I decided to do more research and eventually got my first NFT.

As someone who spends a lot of time in Web3, what are some tips/advice you have for those who are new to Web3?
Always do your own research, do not ever give in to FOMO on a project, stay vigilant and watch out for scams.

How did you learn about GCC, and what do you like about this project?
I found this project from YouTube a few months ago. So far I’m really loving the community, the mods are generous and the people are nice, there are plenty of events so you can engage with the community and earn some rewards. With the team working hard for more real life utilities and collabs, there’s definitely nothing like this out there in the NFT space!

In your opinion, how do you determine whether an NFT project is worth investing in?
Whenever I buy into a project, the first thing I look at is the art. If it looks appealing to others, it is more likely to catch more people’s eyes. The second checkbox IMO is the team, it’s really important that the founders know what they’re doing and it’s better that they have successful experience in the past, Web2 or Web3. A well thought out roadmap is always a plus, but don’t count on them too much, it all depends on whether the project has a team and the ability to execute it properly.

Thank you for your time, @hiimcosmo#1852. We also appreciate the useful advice at the end for Web3 newbies. Let’s give him a round of virtual applause by tapping on the 👏 at the bottom of this article.

Stay tuned for more updates, GCC fam!

Website: https://gccnft.xyz

Discord: https://discord.gg/globalcitizenclub

Twitter: https://twitter.com/gccnft

Instagram: https://instagram.com/globalcitizenclub

Opensea: https://opensea.io/collection/globalcitizenclub

