The World is Warming Twice as Fast as the World

David DuByne
6 min readMay 14, 2019


First of all, I want to thank Johnny for this collage of images. This is shocking when you see it, every news article is using the same standard headline of, “This place is warming twice as fast as the rest of the world”. Additionally, the headlines circle the entire globe. There is no place that is not warming twice as fast as anywhere else. So this means, the entire world is warming twice as fast as itself.

This seems like a new ploy where corporate media uses the exact same headline, “XYZ is warming twice as fast as everywhere else” and plug it through all the media outlets that are owned by six corporations. Do you think there is some kind of collusion there?

Also, say goodbye to snow in the year 2000 and 2001, because of decreased heavy snowstorms. It was said that the end of snow as we know it, is in 2014.

I wonder what the Japanese in Hokkaido Island think with the record snow and record cold that they experienced last week. Snow cover is up to 8 cm, which is about 3 inches or more in some locations. Early record snow in August 2018 was seen in Hokkaido as well, in pretty much the same locations that they are having the record late-season snows this year. So, this is definitely a pattern of cooling down in Japan. Look at the Kofun Era in 700 AD and you will see the same precipitous drops leading to its collapse.

Snow in Chicago, how rare, well even the Chicagoans are talking about how unusual this event is. Headline, Detroit Tigers vs. Chicago White Sox baseball game postponed because of a winter storm.

Officials are going to reschedule the game on July 3rd. Look at the First-pitch weather forecast at the bottom, “Snow and wind, with a temperature of 35 degrees Fahrenheit, Chicago under a winter storm warning.”

(BELOW) I dug down articles regarding this and I want to show you how the mainstream corporate press tried to phrase this event. First stop, Detroit Free Press, it actually talks about snow, but look at this second one, “Tigers vs. White Sox game postponed due to rain”. Do you mean a winter storm dumping inches and inches of snow is a white rain? I mean, from the way they phrase it. Then “Tigers vs. White Sox game snowed out” from Fox 17. They have to be commended by being honest. Finally, “Tigers vs. White Sox game postponed due to inclement weather”. Now, where is the mention of the unusual record snow and record cold?

That maybe is to inconvenient and does not follow the Global Warming narrative.

Look at all these record low temperatures that are about to be smashed. Anywhere you see a circle in the map means, record lows are going to be broken, which should not happen in the warmest year ever. Now, with all the extra snow and below normal temperatures, I wonder how this is going to affect the planting season. How do think that will affect the soil temperature, as well as the soil moisture? Do you think it will result to delayed planting once again in 2019?

These too are some of the winter storm totals coming down. There are multiple inches of snow coming down, and when a seasoned weather forecaster says this is unbelievable, it must be something strange.

What did winters look like before Global Warming? I will say the same thing again, maybe this is a damage control due to all the changes that we are seeing. Is it a Grand Solar Minimum or is it a combination of the weakening magnetic field on our Earth going into a pole reversal? Is it a Grand Solar Minimum stacking up, or is it just amplified effects from what is happening with the Earth’s magnetic field and the Sun?

Please notice, changes are happening light years ahead of where they should be, so the amplification is going to skyrocket from this point forward. I encourage you to do some research on what is happening with the magnetic pole shift, as well as the Grand Solar Minimum. The conjecture is, it is going to start in solar cycle 25 or solar cycle 26. Regardless of when it will start, you need to get prepared, right now.

With all that said about Climate Change, allow me to leave you with a fun link. Oxford professor: Aliens are Breeding with Humans because of Climate Change. Is there anything that is not attributed to climate change now? I am shocked that they would even stoop to this level and bring something like this to the forefront.

Thanks for reading, I hope you got something out of the article. If you like more information like this, I produce the tri-weekly Mini Ice Age Conversations podcast, 30 minutes of in-depth analysis on the GSM you can take on the go to understand the changes and protect your family.

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*** Today’s Story Links ***

Oxford Professor: Aliens are Breeding with Humans Because of Climate Change

Record Cold end of April 2019

Detroit Tigers vs. Chicago White Sox tonight postponed due to snow storm

The world is warming faster than the rest of the world

Record late snow in Japan



David DuByne

ADAPT 2030 Channel Creator and Host of Mini Ice Age Conversations Podcast covers changes in our climate due to a new intensifying Grand Solar Minimum.