Water Returns To Ancient Cities & River Channels After 3000+ Years of Drought

Over here to THE WATCHERS, top entry on flooding May 16th, 2018, massive floods wreaking havoc across Afghanistan. We’re going to look to Kenya as well with the dam break.

Another instance of an ever unstable atmosphere, a few days later in Afghanistan, waves of severe flooding.

What does it look like from the air? I want you to take a good look at the landscape here, look off to the left side, you can see a refilled river channel.

I’m going to bring you over here to C.A.M.E.L, what they’re doing is taking a look at all the known archaeological sites and mapping them out through Afghanistan using satellites. (Below) Everywhere you see a red dot that’s an ancient site that had a riverbed with water access to it, but now dry arid conditions and hasn’t seen water flowing through those rivers for thousands of years.

(Below) As an example here, a fortresses and this extends all the way up to Turkmenistan, as well across the Desert Silk Road. You have to realize that in ancient times 2,000 to 3,000 years ago these were green lush areas. You’ll find the same thing on the Tarim Basin and Xinjiang along the Silk Road, it’s desert now but it used to be plentiful forests 3,000 years before.

When we’re talking about these sites identified from Google Earth, these compounds had hundreds, if not thousands of people living there. They needed access to water. So what they’re finding is the climate had changed drastically and these riverbeds dried up, of course they’re abandoned cities now everywhere you look. This is just simply from the 17th century, that’s how much climate change has occurred since the 1600’s with the riverbed changes.

(Above) Tar-o-Sar, this is one of the most famous, the round enclosure, there were riverbeds near this, that are covered in sand now.

Renditions of what these sites would have looked like because they would have had to have access to water, rivers running next to the cities, the enclosures, religious areas and Ziggurats, they all would have had to have water.

Here’s the most interesting thing, these last two floods are flooding in the exact same areas where all these ruins are northeast and northwest Afghanistan. These rivers are starting to refill themselves, so you need to ask yourself if this is a three-thousand-year hiatus in the rainfall? Are the rain flow patterns now these same rivers that went dry and forced all of these civilizations to move, is the water is coming back to these same areas again? Very interesting to think about.

In talking about the protection of Afghan archaeological sites, this is a half million square meter site 2,000 year-old Buddhist city atop 5,000-year-old ruins. Water used to flow next to this in two rivers, now it’s bone-dry. The Afghan authorities are trying to save this site in a battle against Chinese mining interests that are going to just scoop it all up because hey! there’s minerals under there.

Remember this famous depiction before the Taliban decided to blow up the Buddhist statues? Here’s what it looked like before their antics with explosives.

Jumping over to Somalia, almost a million people have been displaced from these floods, unbelievable the amount of rain that has come down.

Worst catastrophic floods ever seen in this region !

This is just one radar loop from southern Sudan, Somalia, and Tanzania.

I’m taking a look here, if this is from flood list 695,000 people displaced in this flood alone, another a couple hundred thousand are the affected population not displaced. There’s a small difference between the two it’s nearly a million.

When we take a look at Central Kenya, a dam burst during this same time a few days after that record rainfall in Somalia.

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If we skip ahead again, we come to Burundi, two rivers overflowing, thousands of homes underwater tens of thousands of people affected.

You might ask yourself where is this on the map? That big green arrow is pointing to Burundi, a little bit to the northeast of that you’ll find Kenya and then bordering it find Somalia.

(Below) Not a lot of people are familiar with Western Africa or the Sahel so I’m going to bring you back here to the early Holocene. Let’s go back a few thousand years in time on the left side of the chart there.

Notice how much rainfall was coming and how full those lakes are compared to where we are in the modern era on the right side. Are we starting to see these massive floods again in the 3,000 year plus cyclical pattern filling up these lakes?

The same thing over in Afghanistan, rivers running after three to five thousand years of being dry. Talking about a Grand Solar Minimum is one thing, but talking about multi-millennial cycles on rainfall repeating in two separate areas on the planet and that’s quite another.

(Below) Let’s bring it down here to the most basic format on the 400 cycle, as the waves widen the more extreme the weather is forecast to become. So for the guaranteed 400 cycle these areas are areas that will continue to see rainfall out there 2019, 2020, and 2021. As I’m seeing it, this is looking like something in a 3,000 plus year cycle repeating itself based on where the rains are accumulating in these massive inundating floods that are now refilling rivers and lakes that haven’t seen rain in thousands of years.

How prepared are you if you have to pick up in the middle of the night and leave everything you own.

*** Stories also on STEEMIT ***

Links to all of the articles in the video

ADAPT 2030 Mini Ice Age 2015–2035 Series on YouTube


Satellites Reveal Thousands of Forgotten Ancient Sites in Afghanistan http://www.ancient-origins.net/news-history-archaeology/going-where-archaeologists-cannot-spy-satellites-reveal-thousands-forgotten-021763





Rivers of Afghanistan https://web.archive.org/web/20121019062103/http://pubs.usgs.gov/ds/529/pdf/ds529_olson_kabulbasin_report_508.pdf


Floods Somalia http://floodlist.com/africa/somalia-floods-april-may-2018



Mini Ice Age Conversations Podcast is available on iTunes, Soundcloud, Stitcher Radio and Libsyn

Mini Ice Age Conversations Podcast is available on iTunes, Soundcloud, Stitcher Radio and Libsyn



David DuByne

ADAPT 2030 Channel Creator and Host of Mini Ice Age Conversations Podcast covers changes in our climate due to a new intensifying Grand Solar Minimum.