Characteristics of JSON

Global Employees
4 min readApr 19, 2020


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JSON stands for JavaScript Object Notation. It is responsible for passing and storing JavaScript values. JSON is used for moving the values from the Server side to the Client-side. JSON has a widely used Web-Services method. It is best suited for interchanging the data between the Server and the Client. It comes with a highly comprehensive coding for your developers, and the learning curve is quite natural. With some keys, parameters, and values, the syntax pattern is straightforward to understand and imbibe. These keys are responsible for storing the unique and vital data.

Google Maps, Twitter, Flickr, Youtube applications make use of JSON data immensely. So, you can understand the amount of data traffic that could be handled by JSON effectively. Today’s apps must be portable and lightweight, where they can manage a large volume of data efficiently. When you are trying to integrate with a third-party Web application, JSON comes to be of great value to you. JSON plays an important role in building Web Analytics and pass on information from one database to another. With JSON, creating API’s becomes very efficient. As JSON data is lightweight, there is a significant saving in terms of storage space and management of storage. For JSON, you get quick access to the contents, and you can filter out the most critical information from an external server into your application.

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Data types and structures

JSON is used in the objects, but unlike Java, not everything in JSON is an object. Here, each object comes with a key & associated value. These types are usually found in JSON — Boolean, number, char, string with Unicode characters. The tables are used here in square brackets. You’ll discover comma-separated values here. It recognizes the numeric and the number of power. If you create an API built in PHP and you can have returned in JSON. JSON is also used along with the jQuery framework.

The key strength of JSON:

JSON supports 55 languages, including JavaScript, PHP, Perl, Python, Ruby, Java. While using JSON, you need to install DOM, i.e., Document Object Modelling. You will find DOM in other frameworks in API format or XML/HTML. JSON is portable too. JSON can be sued effectively with JavaScript to build an effect on the client-side. You can’t insert comments in a JSON structure. JSON is used in ally with the HTML page as a JavaScript file, and it accepts the XMLHttpRequest method.


Application Programming Interface is the bridge between two applications, where you need to do a lot of data interchange. It is much widespread language, and the web developers love to use this while creating the APIs. Some eminent corporates hire a web developer freelance to make use of JSON extensively in their applications. Google, Yahoo, Facebook, OpenStreetMap, Wikipedia, StackOverflow, GitHub, all of them love JSON. The first three companies have also launched their REST API structures built over JSON.

REST API is a client-server interface, and it is best known for more speed, prioritizing information by layer. Client-side applications can execute script contained commands using JSON.

We will discuss a few significant characteristics of JSON:

Readability: JSON contains those data formats which are very easy to be implemented by any Server-Side scripting language. This data includes the array and object type of data structure.

Size: JSON data is very less in format. Hence, you can combine massive data into just a few MBs. It is lightweight and text-based data.

Independent: It has a straightforward data structure to receive and send the data in between the Server and the Client. It is not dependent on any platform language framework, whereas many Server-side scripting languages depend on JSON data for interchanging the data and also large information transactions. Even for Mobile Applications, which connect to the same database as the Web Application does, JSON is widely used as the Web-Services parser.

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We can quickly discuss a few Applications of JSON:

  • When you need browser extensions in a considerable number, you need JSON.
  • When you want to serialize and transmit data structure over the network, you can use the JSON format.
  • When you are building a Mobile Application, and you need to use the same centralized database, you should use JSON to create the Web-Services.
  • With all modern Server-side scripting languages, while building Websites and complex Web Applications with a lot of dynamic data, JSON would be of significant help.


JSON makes data-interchanging easy. File-trees are created in JSON. With JSON creating API’s on its own became much easier compared to XML. On the other hand, if one needs to use a more detailed description of the data, they need to use XML or YAML. Overall, learning JSON is easy, and you can attain the purpose of bridging two applications real fast with this.



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