How Hard is Mobile App Development Compared to Web Development?

Global Employees
8 min readMay 6, 2020


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Mobile App Development and Web Development- What is the Difference?

When you develop an application for smaller devices such as mobile phones and tablets, it is called mobile app development. On the other hand, when you develop websites for larger devices like computers and laptops, it is called web development.

Here Are Some of the Major Differences:

Interface and Platform: Mobile app development is significantly different from web development because when you develop an application for mobile phones, you have to consider the large variety of devices and screen sizes in the market. In the case of web development, however, the devices generally have standard screen sizes in which your website can work.

For mobile app development, you also have to consider the different platforms. The two most popular platforms are iOS and Android. That is why many developers often find it to be more difficult than web development.

Types of Websites and Mobile Applications: There are many types of websites as opposed to the types of mobile applications. You can have an e-commerce website, a business site, a blog site, or an academic website. But when it comes to mobile applications, there are only three variations. These include native apps, HTML5 apps, and hybrid apps. Native applications can be run only on Android or iOS, depending on the platform for which they are made. HTML5 apps are flexible because they can be run on any platform or operating system, with only a few minor changes in the app. Hybrid apps are those that are primarily made for web browsers but are made in such a way that they work well in mobile phones and other small devices as well.

Languages, Tools, and IDEs: In the case of web development, there are many different languages and frameworks for developers. Some of the popular languages include HTML, JavaScript, PHP, and Ruby. Some of the popular frameworks include Laravel, Spring, and Rails. In mobile app development, the languages and frameworks used are limited. They also have specific Integrated Development Environments (IDEs). For instance, iOS developers can use Swift programming language, Objective-C, and XCode IDE while Android developers can use Java or Kotlin language with Eclipse IDE. For hybrid apps, the languages generally used are HTML, JavaScript, and CSS.

Types of Developers: When we use the term web developer, we use it as an umbrella term to include the different types of developers, including front-end, back-end, and full-stack developers. These three are the primary categories of web developers. A front-end developer uses front-end languages and frameworks to work only on the client-side of the website. Similarly, a back-end developer uses back-end languages and frameworks to work only on the server-side of the website. A full-stack developer for hire is a combination of both and is proficient in working at both ends. Outside of these categories, there are also other specialized developers such as Python developer, Java developer, Laravel developer for hire.

Unlike web developer, mobile developer does not have other categories and subcategories. Mobile developers work on an entire application, and the work is not divided between different types of mobile developers. The only two major groups we have today are Android developers for developing Android apps and iOS developers for developing iOS apps.

Here are Some Significant Reasons Why We Think Mobile App Development is More Difficult than Web Development:

Mobile App Development Has Many Platforms and Devices: A mobile app developer has to consider many different platforms and devices while creating an application. They have to make sure the app works on all devices, and their functionality is not affected when the device is changed. A developer for Android, for instance, has to consider the various brands of smartphones popular among users. They also have to consider the different phone models that each of these brands has in the market. The process is challenging as well as time-consuming because it requires the developer to build everything from scratch to make it compatible with each platform.

High Maintenance Cost: Due to the different platforms and the apps for each of them, updating and maintaining native mobile apps often require much money. Every time an update is needed, the developer has to update the app separately for separate platforms instead of running a single update. The procedure is the same, even when s/he has to check the app for security. It makes it more expensive compared to web development. Websites are easier to update and maintain because the developer has to work on only one version of it.

The Return on Investment is Often Low: The return on investment or ROI refers to the amount earned from investing in something. When a mobile app developer invests money in developing an app s/he has to spend money not only to create the app but also to get it approved, especially in the case of Apple Store. Even after the app is made available to the users, it does not appear on the first page of the app store. Many users do not find it, and so the number of downloads is low. The app fails to be popular, and the developer does not earn enough from it. Further, if the same app is available in free and paid form, users generally opt for the free one. The app developer suffers in the process because s/he does not earn enough money from it.

It Requires Specific Specializations: If you want a native app for your company, you have to hire someone who has such specializations. Your usual developer with the knowledge of some of the commonly used programming languages may not suffice. For instance, if you want your app on the Apple Store, you have to hire someone proficient in the Swift programming language. As for Android, it is often preferable that a developer knows Kotlin along with Java because Kotlin makes the work more efficient. Finding developers who have these specific specializations is often difficult and takes time.

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It Lacks Flexibility: Mobile app development lacks the flexibility that developers have with web development. When developing a website, web developers for hire can choose from a large number of frameworks and programming languages. They can even use multiple languages to build one website. They can use a different framework for the front-end and the back-end. But in the case of mobile application development, there are specific tools and development kits that developers have to use. These tools and kits differ depending on the operating system. For instance, the Android SDK can be used only for developing Android applications. The iOS SDK, on the other hand, can be used only for developing iPhone applications. Further, a developer who knows Swift does not have the flexibility of developing Android apps with his knowledge. His opportunities are limited to iPhone apps alone.

It is Difficult to Portray a Brand Image: Developers can portray a brand image more efficiently on a website than they can in a native application. All websites have landing pages, and developers use these pages to talk about the brand and inform people about the brand’s USP or Unique Selling Point. Native apps, on the other hand, do not have landing pages. The user starts using the app the moment s/he opens it. So it is difficult to make the USP clear so that the users can focus on it before they see anything else. It is also difficult to inform them about the brand.

Due to all these challenges, today we have something called web applications. Web application combines the best of both worlds and creates something flexible. Developers now make use of responsive design techniques to build websites that will adjust to different devices and platforms. The same website will work as seamlessly on a small smartphone as it will on a computer.

Frequently Asked Questions About Mobile App Development:

Which Platform is Better: Android or iOS?

Both Android and iOS are top-class platforms for mobile app development. Their status has always been a subject of debate, so it is hard to tell which is better. But when you want an app for your company, you should choose your platform based on the demographics. Depending on the number of iPhone or Android users in your area, you should have an iPhone app or an Android app, respectively. You can make your app available to both iPhone and Android users to include a larger number of target audiences.

If iOS or Android Releases a New Version Will My App Get Deleted?

No. If there is a new iOS or Android version, your app will not be deleted. But the user may experience some issues due to technical glitches. To fix these errors, all you need to do is make some changes in your existing code base, and the app should work as usual.

How Much Will My App Cost?

The cost of making an application is an important part of the budget. To determine how much your app will cost, list the number of features you want in them. The more the features, the more the price and vice versa. Talk to your developer and ask in detail about how much each aspect of the app development will cost. Get an approximate value before s/he starts working on your project.

How Can I Earn Money from My App?

There are many ways to earn money from an app. But the best method is to start implementing paid features from the beginning. You can also make it a paid app where users will have to pay a certain price to download your app. You can also add premium plans or tiers and other subscription methods to earn money. Another popular way to earn from an app is advertising. Be open to different brands and in-app advertisements. You will earn a certain amount every time a user clicks on an ad or views it.

When Should I Update My App?

Some apps are updated yearly, while some are even updated weekly or monthly. It depends on the kind of app you have and also the amount of competition. For instance, if your app is related to social media, it has a higher chance of getting hacked. So you should update it as frequently as possible. Also, if other apps in your category introduce new features, it is time for you to update your app to keep up with the competition.

How Will I Know If My App is Successful?

Three major factors will determine the success of your app- the number of downloads, the session timeṣ, and the revenue. The more the number of downloads, the more successful your app. Similarly, a higher session time means the app is better than its competitors. And in the case of paid apps or apps with paid features, if you earn a high revenue that is more than your initial investment, then your app is successful.



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