Top 10 Technologies That JAVA Developers Must Learn In 2020

Global Employees
5 min readDec 27, 2019

As a developer, your biggest challenge and also need is to update yourself with changing times. Technology keeps changing and evolving at a rapid pace. Now and then you will get to see a new version of your favourite programming language and framework.

JAVA developer for hire

The last few years have brought multiple changes for Java Developers for hire. It has become a challenge for Java Developers to keep themselves up-to-date with a new version of Java every six months, Spring 5, Spring Security 5, Spring Boot 2, etc. The changes often bring multiple exciting features var with local variables, API enhancements, GC improvement, Thread Local handshake, etc.

We have come up with a list of things that Java developers must learn in 2020:

DevOps :- Since the last year, more and more companies are moving into DevOps and adopting continuous integration and deployment. DevOps is vast, and you will need to learn a lot of tools and principles. But you must not worry! If you are an experienced Java programmer and you are passionate about managing the environment, automation, and improving overall structure, you can become a DevOps Engineer. If you want some excellent resources, Master Jenkins CI for DevOps and Developers is a suitable course to begin, especially for Java Developers.

Git :- We have become quite familiar with the names Git and Github. Most of the companies nowadays are migrating their projects from SVN, CVS to Git. Hence, it is high time that Java Developers learn and master Git. The Git Complete: The definitive, step-by-step guide to Git can be of great help to you.

Java 9,10,11 or 12 :- The JDK 9 brings a lot of goodness in terms of modules, Jigsaw, Reactive Streams, Process API, HTTP2 client, JShell, and API improvements that include collection factory methods. Likewise, JDK 10 brings var to give you a dynamic typing and some GC improvement. The Complete Java MasterClass is a course which is up-to-date with Java 11. If you start with JDK 8, then you could go for the several Java 8 tutorials and courses available online for free.

Spring Framework 5 :- As a Java developer, you must have heard of new features like reactive programming model on Spring 5, adoption of modern Java features, some unit testing improvement, etc. If you use Spring, this is probably the best time for you to learn Spring 5.0. If you prefer reading books to educate yourself, you can go through the several advance Spring books for developers available from Manning and Packt Publications.

Unit Testing :- There are multiple new frameworks and tools available for Java developers to unit test and to test the integration of their application like Mockito and PowerMock for mocking objects, Robot Framework, and Cucumber for automated integration test and the new JUnit 5 Library. There is a lot to learn on this front. You will need to dedicate some time in upgrading your unit testing skills. It will not only improve your coding skills but also help you become a more professional developer. To begin with, you can always look at JUnit and Mockito Crash Course from Udemy.

RESTful Web Service :- Another thing that you need to improve upon in 2019 is your knowledge about writing REST API and implementing secure and scalable RESTful Web Service in Java using Spring. This skill is highly desirable because there are not many people who know enough about both Java and REST. If you want to learn how to develop RESTful Web Service using Spring, The REST of Spring MasterClass from Eugen Paraschiv.

JAVA developer for hire

Spring Security 5.0 :- Spring Security 5.0 is the third major upgrade on Spring eco-system. The 5th version of popular security framework has several bug fixes and a major OAuth 2 module, which you cannot miss by any chance! It must be another of your priorities in 2019 along with Spring 5.0 framework stuff. Eugen’s bestselling course — Learn with Spring Security includes 5.0 features and has a separate module for OAuth 2.0.

Spring Boot 2 :- The Spring Boot framework has a new release Spring Boot 2. After you finish learning all the items mentioned above, you can spend some time learning Spring Boot 2. Udemy academy provides a highly competent free Spring Boot course that will give you a quick start. If you require more choices, you can surely look for more options on Google. Google will readily oblige you.

Angular 2+ or React JS :- Angular 2+ and React JS has completely changed how you develop web applications. If, as a Java Developer, you have used Servlet, JSP and jQuery at client-side and have not tried your hand at Angular or React, then in 2019, one of your main goals must be to start learning Angular. You can begin with Udemy’s Angular 7-The Complete Guide, which comes very handy.

Android :- In 2019, if you do not know how to write Android Apps, then you need to get on board immediately! Mobile is one of the best platforms to reach a significantly large number of people, and Android is the most popular platform to write mobile applications. You can have a look at The Complete Android N Developer Course.

Apache Spark and Kafka :- Another new thing that as a Java Developer you need to keep exploring in depth is the Big Data space. Particularly, Apache Spark and Apache Kafka framework. Besides DevOps and Machine Learning, Big Data is one of the trendiest technologies at this moment! You can check The Ultimate Hands-Onn Hadoop- Tame Your Big Data! Course.

So this was all about various technologies that JAVA developers need to learn about in 2020.

Must Read : Top Ruby Gems You Should Know About.



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