Top Five Benefits Of Hiring A Full Stack Developer

Global Employees
6 min readDec 17, 2019


hire a full stack developer

What is full-stack?

The term full-stack combines both front-end and back-end. Everything that is a part of web or application development comes under full-stack.

Full Stack Web Developer

Web development generally involves three layers. The front layer or the layer of business logic deals with data processing and validation to generate user information: the back layer or the layer of data access which deals with data storage and data management. The third layer is the presentation layer which deals with web designing and UI/UX and works on presenting the data for the user. A full-stack web developer, then, is someone who can work on these three layers single handedly. A full-stack developer performs the combined functions of front-end and back-end developers.

Path To Full-Stack Developer

Why choose a career in full-stack?

Here are some reasons why you should choose a full-stack developer career:

Huge Demand: Large enterprises and firms widely use Full-stack development. A career in full-stack is highly in demand. It can be very profitable for you.

Distinctive Edge over Other Developers: A full-stack developer is proficient in cutting-edge technologies. Such a developer is creative and innovative. He or she has unique coding abilities. If you become a full-stack developer, these skills and qualifications can give you a definite edge over other developers.

Diverse Job Opportunities: A full-stack developer can do the work of a front-end and a back-end developer. If you choose to become a full-stack developer, you can work as a developer in any organisation.

What do you need to do to become a full stack developer?

To become a full-stack developer, you need to have some specific skills. Here are some of them:

Skills Of A Full Stack Developer

Front-End Skills: If you want to become a full-stack developer, it is essential to have front-end skills like HTML, HTML 5, CSS3, JavaScript and jQuery. These skills are required to work on the front-end of a website or application.

Back-End Skills: You also need to have back-end skills. You need to know how to work with Java, Python, Ruby, and other back-end programming languages that are used to build the server-side of a website or application.

VCS or Version Control System: A VCS or version control system enables you to track changes in the codebase. You should know how to work with VCS. You should also know Git. Git enables to download and update codes as well as make changes in the codes of other developers easily.

Knowledge of DBMS Technology: Knowledge of DBMS technology like MySQL, SQL Server, Oracle, MongoDB is essential to have in a full-stack developer. Knowledge of caching mechanisms such as Redis, Memcached, and so on is also equally essential.

API Knowledge: You must also know API web services to become a full-stack developer.

Web Design and UI/UX Knowledge: A proficient full-stack developer must have some knowledge of web designing and UI/UX design so that he or she can help the designing team if necessary.

Full Stack Web Developer Course

From where can you learn full stack development?

YouTube: YouTube is one of the best places to learn anything. You can find many channels from where you can learn full-stack development. You can also learn certain tips and tricks of becoming a full-stack developer. And all of this is entirely free.

EdX Courses: EdX has both free and paid courses from time to time. You can learn full-stack web development from prominent universities in the comfort of your home. You can connect with other learners and ask questions about the topics you learn. You can also purchase a certificate for your course at a reasonable price. All you need to do is be on the lookout for the next course on full-stack on EdX Courses.

Coursera: Coursera is also similar to EdX. It offers many free and paid courses. If you are lucky, you will find free comprehensive courses on full-stack development. Just like EdX, you can pay a minimal amount to acquire a course certificate.

Full Stack Developer For Hire

There are three kinds of developers who work on developing websites and applications- front-end developer, back-end developer and full-stack developer. A full stack developer can work on the entire development process alone. Why should you hire such a developer?

Top Five Benefits Of Hiring A Full Stack Developer

Expert Service at Low Cost: Hiring a full-stack developer is highly cost-effective. You can save a lot of money if you hire a full-stack developer. If you employ a front-end and a back-end developer separately, you have to spend a lot of money. Instead of hiring a specialist for every task, you can hire a developer in full-stack. Such a developer can also switch between front-end and back-end functions as and when the project requires. He or she will be able to solve any technical or architectural problems while developing the website. A full-stack developer will finish your project efficiently, and you will have nothing to worry about at all. You will see visible returns if you hire a full-stack developer.

Comprehensive Work: A full-stack developer can not only perform development functions; they can also go through the design structure of the website. They can also help the designing team in case it is necessary for the project.

Enhanced Project Quality: A full-stack developer is a proficient developer. They are professional in every field they work on. It is an added benefit to your website. You can expect a more functional website that stands out among other sites. It is sure to attract a lot of customers.

Boost in Productivity: A developer in full-stack can manage the entire project by himself. It can reduce the hassle of communicating between members of different departments and get the work done faster. A full-stack developer can also ensure that the project is running smoothly and efficiently, thus ensuring productivity.

Project Ownership: A full-stack developer can take charge of the entire project. You can hire a full-stack developer and give him ownership rights of your project, which means you can focus on other projects that are crucial to improving your business.

How to hire a full stack developer?

Here are some things you must consider while hiring a full-stack developer for your business:

Area of Expertise: Although a full-stack developer does both front-end and back-end work and is proficient in several fields at once, he or she must have an area of expertise. A full-stack developer can be an expert either in JavaScript, CSS or HTML, and so on.

Knowledge of recent trends in development: An expert developer will always stay up-to-date about the latest trends in development. To find out how updated a developer is, ask questions during the interview that will help you determine if.

Work Experience: A full-stack developer must have some experience working on front-end and back-end development. To determine how experienced a developer is, here are some things you can do:

  • Check the developer’s resume and all the work he or she has listed in it.
  • Ask questions about the developer’s work during the interview.
  • Assign a test project to test the skills of the developer.

The next thing you need to consider is whether to want to hire a local developer or a freelance developer. What is a freelance full-stack developer?

Full Stack Developer Freelance

A freelance developer is someone who works as a remote developer. The developer lives in a different location, usually a different country. They can be long-term employees or short-term temporary employees hired for specific projects.

Should you hire a part-time freelancer or a full-time freelancer?

A part-time employee will provide you with his or her services temporarily. You can hire the employee at a reduced cost. But such an employee is unlikely to feel any responsibility towards your company. He or she works for several enterprises at once and manages many projects at the same time. Therefore, an employee who provides part-time services may compromise on the quality of the project.

A full-time remote employee, on the other hand, is likely to take his or her responsibility more seriously. Such an employee will always try to work for the benefit of your company and will work to ensure that your business improves in the market. You can hire a full-time remote employee at more than half the cost of a full-time office employee.



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