Why Do Web Developers Prefer JAVA Instead of PHP?

Global Employees
5 min readMay 13, 2020


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In the current digital era, computers and mobile phones are playing a significant role in our lives. Technologies are ever-evolving; hence, learning diverse and efficient computer languages has become an inevitable need for software developers.

In the field of development, the toughest decision will be what, to begin with, while learning a programming language. For several developers, it often becomes a matter of confusion when it comes to choosing a back-end framework that you should learn for web development in 2020.

A functional programming language for web development will be natural to learn, be suitable for developing enterprise-level applications, have a good reputation as a programming language among expert web developers, have a comprehensive collection of libraries, frameworks, and robust community support, and be in high demand in the job market.

What is PHP?

PHP is an open-source server-side scripting language that developers all over the world widely use for developing responsive portals. PHP stands for hypertext processor that was launched back in 1995. It comes with a wide range of frameworks that are fast and highly productive. Hence, PHP makes the development of dynamic websites cost-effective.

What is Java?

Java is a client-side programming language that developers majorly use for developing enterprise-level web applications. It is considered to be one of the most stable programming languages that have been in the industry for 20 successful years. This language is based on the “write once” “run anywhere” approach. Its efficient cross-platform compatibility made it extremely popular. The Java Virtual Machine allows this language to work on various devices and platforms.


Performance & Speed: Java is faster and more efficient as compared to PHP for developing enterprise applications. Developers need to build mobile enterprise applications to provide a solution for streamlining complex business processes and operations. Similarly, businesses need programmers to write complex enterprise applications that a large number of employees can access. The latest PHP versions allow developers to make the process of writing applications faster, but also, it decreases memory consumption. Java applies different threads for managing and processing multiple instruction sequences high-speed and efficient. Hence, Java makes writing enterprise applications fast.

Developing Enterprise Web Application: Java will always be the first choice as a programming language for building more extensive web applications. PHP and Java both come in modular platforms, with partly free and non-free licenses. PHP works best for small applications. Java is suitable for a large number of other systems that consist of peer web services, mainframe back-ends, databases, and databases entirely in the same application. Additionally, Java frameworks are more comfortable to install due to the more efficient tool support, well-documented, and test artifacts it comes with.

Developing Enterprise Mobile Application: Reports reveal that Java is the second most searched programming language, while PHP holds the fifth position. The biggest reason behind developers choosing Java over PHP is its straightforward approach helping JAVA developers for hire create real-time mobile applications. Java has prominently become one of the two official programming languages that are used mainly for the development of Android Apps. PHP developers for hire will need to use specific frameworks for writing a mobile application in PHP, and they will need to spend more time and invest more effort in writing mobile enterprise applications in PHP.

On the contrary, Java allows developers to build mobile enterprise applications directly without any error.

Security: Java has more robust security functionalities as compared to PHP. Nowadays, applications are more prone to malware attacks. And since security is a significant concern now, developers prefer to choose Java for ensuring a highly secure web application development over PHP.

PHP lacks some built-in security features that other programming languages provide. Developers need to avail of the security features and mechanisms that other PHP frameworks provide for strengthening the security level of the application they want to build with PHP. The latest version of Java has advanced security features and functionalities for providing high-end protection for your application.

Hence, several developers choose Java over PHP so that they can leverage the stable security features it offers.

Language Tool: Java supports the best editing, debugging, and packing tools than other programming languages, including PHP.

Along with supporting Eclipse and Netbeans, Java also supports Intellij, Notepad++, DOS editors, and other text editors. That enhances the efficiency of the developers in writing an application. PHP, on the other hand, has a plugin just for Eclipse and Netbeans.

In terms of the debugging requirements, developers can debug Java via all the editors making Java development faster, seamless, and more comfortable. But PHP only allows debugging of the print statements.

PHP uses only packaging files; hence, no packaging concept works here. Java, on the contrary, supports a wide range of packaging tools that include ANT, Maven, Editors, Web Start, and a lot more, all of which ensure real-time web development.

Ease of Learning: If you are a developer who is familiar with the program and the possible initial hurdles, then writing applications in Java will be pretty comfortable with Java. Java uses the most straightforward syntax with minimal symbols. It makes it easier for developers to read and write codes in Java.

Developers who have some basic knowledge and experience with C++ or C will see that Java is quite similar if you consider the syntax. Developers with knowledge of Oracle and SCRUM can combine their skills with Java for developing web applications or mobile applications without the compulsion of spending long hours learning this language.

Developmental Cost: Developmental cost with Java is higher than PHP because PHP allows developers to use any code without paying any license fee. But despite the low developmental costs, developers choose Java for its rich language tools for seamless editing, completions, and debugging of the application.

Java is not free, and also not open source, but Oracle allows users to choose from the several editions of Java that include SE and EE for developing enterprise applications. Developers will need to get the license for being able to access Java, and this only adds up to the cost of application development.

Several developers choose PHP because it does not require them to avail of a license and make any investment in small and medium-sized enterprises.


Every language comes with its strengths and weaknesses. Likewise, Java and PHP come with prominent benefits. Both come with robust support from leading global companies and the most significant websites. Hence, both languages are likely to run farther in the future.

If you consider the increasing popularity, security, and richness of the language, Java, without any doubt, stands as the best programming language among the developers.

Related:- Programming trend predictions about 2020 and beyond.



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