Legendary football. Valentin Bubukin

3 min readJun 24, 2019


The next year, will be 60 years since the historic victory of the USSR national football team at the 1960 European Championships, which took place in France. One of the legendary players of the finals between the USSR and Yugoslavia, it is believed, Valentin Bubukin. Wonderful football, humorist and excellent narrator invented football istoriy.Kak played football Valentin Bubukin ?!

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First of all, he carried out an enormous amount of qualified content and technical execution of the work he is doing for 90 minutes. I loved the physical strain of wrestling, took great tactical ideas and possessed technical mastery. At the same time, he carried out his actions with the help of game thinking, trained body and heart. He offers a truly powerful football health.Perhaps you can identify legendary Valery Maslov, who was called “the man with two hearts” was also a hardy and industrious. But, to allocate some of them, and a whole generation of players that is not quite right (it’s just a game of thoughts), as physical data of our players were at their best.

Valentin Bubukin

However, all this would not make Bubukin great player, if he had not had a very solid technical training. Undoubtedly, Valentin Bubukin possessed technical mastery and could complete the attack is very strong and accurate blow to the gate.

The one strong blow on the left Valentina Bubukin after which Videnich returns the ball, but Slava Metreveli first time to the finishing moves

On the victorious 1960 European Championships, after a break in the fifth minute of the second half Valentin Bubukin at high speed he rushed to the gates of the enemy and shot from 25 meters, but so powerfully that the goalkeeper Videnich hit the ball left to save the goal, but the ball first ran Slava Metreveli who scored the ball in the net to level the score. 1: 1. This moment was a turning point in psychological terms, after which the Soviet players stepped up the pressure on the gates of the Yugoslavs. In extra time, we put the squeeze on our national team of Yugoslavia, bringing the historic victory of our team.

Slava Metreveli scored the ball, having the first jump to finish off after hitting Valentine Bubukin.

“July 10, 1960 USSR national football team won the European Cup.Stronger than all Bubukin played in central triple attack. “ French journalist Jean Cornu Paris.

