History of Netflix: How did Netflix start as a DVD rental company and become an international online streaming service?

Global Lancers
3 min readJun 27, 2023


Netflix’s journey from a humble DVD rental company to an international streaming giant is a captivating tale of innovation and disruption. It astutely recognised the transition, the relentless tides of technological advancement that would forever reshape the landscape of entertainment consumption. As the world embraced the internet and digital innovation progressed at an unprecedented pace, Netflix seized the opportune moment to redefine the rules of the game.

Success of Netflix is a testament to unwavering commitment, relentless adaptability, and an unyielding pursuit of excellence. Witness the transformative power of continuous innovation as Netflix defies convention, shatters boundaries, and seamlessly adapts to the ever-evolving digital terrain.

  1. The Birth of an Idea: Netflix was founded in 1997 by Reed Hastings and Marc Randolph, who recognised the potential of the internet for delivering DVDs straight to people’s homes. The concept stemmed from Reed Hastings’ late fee for a rental movie and sparked the idea of a subscription-based DVD rental service. With a vision to provide customers with convenient access to movies without late fees, Netflix was born.
  2. DVD-by-Mail Era: Initially, Netflix operated solely as a DVD-by-mail service, offering a vast collection of DVDs available for rent. Customers could choose their desired titles online, and Netflix would deliver them directly to their doorstep. This disruptive model quickly gained popularity, challenging traditional video rental stores and establishing Netflix as a game-changer in the industry.
  3. The Evolution to Streaming: Recognising the shift in consumer behaviour and the rising popularity of online streaming, the marketing strategy of Netflix shifted and it introduced its streaming service in 2007. Initially, it offered a limited selection of movies and TV shows that could be streamed on personal computers. The introduction of streaming marked a pivotal moment for Netflix, setting the stage for its global dominance in the years to come.
  4. Original Content and Breaking Barriers: As Netflix expanded its streaming library, it sought to differentiate itself by producing original content. The company’s first notable success was the political drama series “House of Cards,” released in 2013. With critical acclaim and awards, Netflix proved that it could compete with traditional television networks and reshape the way content was produced and distributed.
  5. International Expansion: Having conquered the domestic market, Netflix set its sights on global expansion. In 2010, it expanded its streaming service to Canada, followed by several countries in Latin America, Europe, and Asia. By investing in localised content and embracing cultural diversity, Netflix successfully tapped into a global audience, solidifying its position as a leading global streaming service.

The Winning Formula: Understanding the Reasons behind Netflix’s Phenomenal Rise

Netflix stands tall as a global entertainment powerhouse and there are many reasons behind its exponential growth. Let’s find out:

  • Convenience: Netflix made it easy for people to watch movies and TV shows. They could rent DVDs by mail and have them delivered to their door, or they could stream movies and TV shows online.
  • Selection: Netflix had a large selection of movies and TV shows to choose from. This made it easy for people to find something they wanted to watch.
  • Price: Netflix’s monthly subscription fees were very affordable. This made it a cost-effective way to watch movies and TV shows.
  • Technology: Netflix was early to adopt new technologies, such as streaming. This allowed them to reach a wider audience and provide a better viewing experience.
  • Original content: Netflix has invested heavily in original content. This has helped them to differentiate themselves from their competitors and attract new subscribers.

Netflix has emerged as one of the most renowned and thriving companies globally, recognised for its groundbreaking success. Since its establishment in 1997, Netflix possessed a visionary understanding of the potential of the internet and data, ultimately revolutionising the manner in which we consume entertainment. This serves as a compelling reminder that digital transformation solutions extend beyond mere technology, emphasising the utilisation of technology to innovate and deliver new products and services that cater to customer needs. Through its winning combination of convenience, extensive content selection, affordable pricing, technological expertise, and captivating original programming, Netflix has firmly established itself as a dominant force in the industry, reshaping the future of entertainment as we know it and captivating the hearts of millions worldwide.



Global Lancers

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