The Trudeau’s connections with communism

Luke Gaboury
4 min readDec 31, 2017


On October 19th 2015, it felt like a coup had taken place. Somehow a failed drama teacher and university dropout with no real world experience had become prime minister of Canada. For many, those who had been blinded by Justin’s rounded ass cheeks, fell for the trap. For others, it felt like they had dropped the ball for too long and realized what they had to lose. I was one of them.

Shortly after Justin came in power he made all sorts of ludicrous statements such as:

“Canada has no core identity”


“Canada is the first Post-National state”

Those were signals of things to come, where liberals and the MSM, would try to destroy nationalism, Canadian values and our identity. It also signaled that our sovereignty had been handed over to foreign powers. It forewarned that Trudeau was not working in Canadian people’s best interest, but in global entities’ best interest.

Pierre Elliot Trudeau

I started my research with Pierre Elliot Trudeau. He went to College Jean de Breboeuf , a private Jesuit School. He then took a master’s degree in political economy at Harvard University, the same university Barrack Obama would attend years later. He then attended the Instituts d’etudes politiques de Paris, where Emmanuel Macron would study years later. One of his dissertations discussed communism.

In the 50’s he was prevented from entry to the US due to his leanings. The ban was eventually rescinded.

Trudeau SR. visited Cuba in January 1976. This ultimately gave credibility to the communist regime supported by Russia. Fidel Would also attends Michel Trudeau’s funeral after he died in an avalanche.

Justin Trudeau

Like his father Trudeau JR attended the College Jean de Breboeuf. Upon Fidel Castro’s death he released a statement saying “he was a great leader” and he was a “larger than life leader who served his people.” It is important to remind people that hundreds of thousands fled the repressive regime after the revolution due to their poor record on human rights. Freedom of speech was non-existent and dissent was not tolerated. Justin has already started cracking down on free speech. Oppressive communist regimes always crack down on basic human rights to promote more equality. Here is one important fact: freedoms have to be repressed in order for a totalitarian dictatorship to make everyone “equal”.

Fidel was a Communist Nationalist. Justin Trudeau has shown to be more of a Internationalist Communist which was rebranded as globalism under the umbrella of the UN. The usual lingo will apply where he will push for equality, a national identity replaced with a global identity; national borders removed to make way to the post nation state. Climate change subsidies funded by taxpayers demonstrate the strategy employed to reduce the citizen’s freedom and independence from the state. It has been demonstrated in many communists/socialist states in the past. People have to be made poor and disenfranchised to subdue their will.

The communist family

Justin’s most controversial quote was probably the following. The Liberal leader was asked which nation he admired most. He responded: “There’s a level of admiration I actually have for China. Their basic dictatorship is actually allowing them to turn their economy around on a dime.” This statement drew criticism from many.

While it doesn’t tie directly into communism it is important to remind us of the young age of the leader. Young leaders tend to be naïve easily manipulated, influenced or bribed. The reason is simple; there are tremendous pressures on the family unit. It is easy to corrupt a family that could use the money for education and other things. With an older leader those pressures will be removed and the said leader will be driven by a sense of purpose and will already have accomplished his financial goals.

While many are still blinded by Trudeau’s acting skills I will remind the reader that communism has killed over 100 million people throughout history. It is a dangerous ideology that has failed too many times, let’s not repeat it. Both Justin and his father have given numerous signs that communism was part of their agenda. Do your research, do not take your freedoms for granted.



Luke Gaboury

Truth seeker. I am apolitical and do not take sides. I analyze facts and turn them over to you, the reader. I am a critical thinker.