Tzedek, Tikkun Olam, & Tikvah

The Global Purpose Approach
4 min readOct 27, 2023


The values of tzedek (justice), tikkun olam (repair the world), and tikvah (hope) are all powerful mitzvahs (good deeds) to live by.

As a Jewish and Black woman who tries to live our values, I am deeply disturbed by the attack from Hamas and holding innocent people as hostages. I am also saddened by the significant loss of innocent civilian life as Israel attempts to hold Hamas accountable. As a morally conscious person, I simply can not condone inhumanity on either side.

I love my Jewish people and we are not a monolith. We are a diverse, multicultural, multiethnic people with multifaceted viewpoints. I criticize the United States and don’t recite the pledge of allegiance or sing the national anthem. Why? Because Black and Brown people are not treated as equals, all people do not get justice, and all people are not free. I am also proud to be a Black American who experiences our culture that is sacred and special.

I may also criticize Israel as I hope for innocent humans in Gaza to be able to thrive in peace and harmony. The people of Palestine have valid grievances and the right to self-determination, but I do not condone the actions by Hamas. We have a right to criticize the actions of our governments in an effort to hold them accountable while still loving our people.

So, for the people taking a knee in protest of injustices against Black people and for people protesting the end of the Israel and Palestine conflict for humanity, the consequences can be unfair. I have witnessed double standards and one-sided demonization. I have witnessed antisemitism, Islamophobia, and other forms of hate. I have witnessed the minefields of this conflict blow up people’s lives as they are triggered and trying to process the bombardment of misinformation and disinformation. Freedom of speech is a right, however hateful rhetoric, inhumane propaganda, and violence are never justified.

In this minefield, I also witness ignorance (not knowing) and even as I evolve in my learning, I see how important it is to understand context. History that is factual and objective is critical for all people to learn. I know it may be challenging to find objective resources, but I encourage research to truly understand historical truths and multiple perspectives. Critical analysis is essential to avoid repeating history.

We must learn real history and bravely speak our truth to fight for humanity without fear of cancel culture and the repercussions that may impact our livelihoods.

I would rather be on the right side of history and stand with humanity, than stand with any government, state, country, etc. that engages in any atrocity against humanity. One thing I know for sure, even if I don’t have all of the nuanced information, innocent human life should be protected and saved. There is no justification to murder babies and innocent children. It is unconscionable for anyone to devalue any human life and engage in false narratives to justify atrocities against humanity.

It is unfortunate that polarization continues to divide. It is disappointing that supremacy has infiltrated communities and blinded people. There will never be mutual peace until we internalize how truly connected we all are. Our freedoms are inextricably linked. Therefore, we must unite and be in solidarity with one another to stand for and protect all humanity.

I stand on the side of humanity. Our Jewish people say, “Never forget and never again” to not repeat the history of the Nuremberg laws, segregation, extermination camps, and the holocaust. Our Black people say, “Black is Beautiful and Black Lives Matter” as a cry for people to value blackness and our humanity. Palestinian people are saying, “Free Palestine” as a plea for equity, freedom, justice, and self-determination. All of these cries hold true for me and I pray for our voices to be heard and for actions to be taken to realize our dreams. I do not pray for the annihilation of any group of human beings. As a person with multicultural, intersectional, and spiritual identity, it is unconscionable for me to only see the humanity in people who are like me, as I appreciate the diversity of the people in the wonderful world we live in. Therefore, I stand on the side of justice (tzedek). I stand on the side of making the world a better place (tikkun olam). I stand on the side of resilient hope (tikvah).



The Global Purpose Approach

Our mission is to have a united world filled with dignity, empathy, respect, peace, joy, & love. We aim to educate individuals to be purposeful humanitarians.