Global REIT — bringing Blockchain to real estate investments — Our awesome team

Global Reit
4 min readApr 25, 2018


Blockchain, that word we’ve heard more and more, is continuing to gain notoriety and diversity in use cases. We’ve put our expertise together and took the initiative to bring blockchain into the real estate industry. We’ve built Global REIT, the first blockchain based real estate investment trust. As we’re preparing for ICO, scheduled for this June [2018], we’re kicking things off with a pre-ICO offering in May. You can get whitelisted now for the opportunity to be an early adopter investing in our game-changing product.

But first, may we introduce ourselves?

10 experts with many years of experience in business, large and small, real estate, finance, blockchain, of course, and technology, in general, joined forces to build this unique project on the market. The importance of high-value members in a small team with a global vision cannot be stressed enough, and the list below fits the bill more than adequately as we hope you’ll find for yourselves below.

Ali Tumbi is the Founder of Global REIT. Ali has more than 15 years of entrepreneurial experience and multiple successful businesses built to date. With a lot of knowledge and experience in the real estate space, he founded Global REIT with a planet size vision of applying the latest blockchain technology to real estate investing.

Paul Christodoulou, our very own COO, is an experienced executive with a proven track record in the real estate industry. Paul brings leadership, negotiation, management, sales expertise and a lot more to the project. He is one of the most active and professional individuals we’ve ever met. We are very proud to have him onboard, and his vast knowledge of do’s and don’ts in this industry.

Vijay D Vyas is the Director of Acquisitions in Global REIT. He brings over 30 years of experience in the business world. So, if you’re wondering who’s in charge of Global REIT’s acquisitions strategy — he’s our man.

When it comes to numbers, financial predictions and overall business analysis and reporting, Behzad Khan is always here to help. Our CFO is a great specialist in a lot of areas, including but not limited to Real Estate Development Financing, Contract Negotiation, Private Equity, IPOs, Financial Planning and Analysis. Behzad will handle the group’s financial operations and will make sure we hit our milestones.

But what’s an ICO project without some brilliant tech minds behind the curtain?

Fortunately, we have Muhammad Waseem, a very cool and talented blockchain developer. In fact, he’s a full stack developer [not a Jack-of-all-trades, but a brilliant guy with a broad skill-set] with a lot of experience that you will get to see in action soon enough. That’s because Muhammad will be busy with the development of the blockchain behind Global REIT. Get whitelisted today to make sure you get a seat at the table!

Self-described data geek with a passion for teaching (taught at Stanford and LUMS), game designing (co-founded multi-million dollar mobile gaming company), angel funding and more — Babar Ahmed is our Chief Technology Officer (CTO), an excellent asset for the success of our project. Babar has advised leading technology incubators in emerging markets on planning, incubation, and growth. He mentored a wide range of technology startups with a local and global footprint. Currently working on the intersection of AI and Blockchain, Babar will be in charge of Global REIT’s tech stack.

“Mentoring is a two-way street: you get out what you put in.” We are very committed to building an innovative product, that’s why we take advice from outstanding advisors.

Here’s our board of advisors who trust and support us every step of the way.

Vladimir Nikitin — Strategic ICO Advisor

World-class professional in consulting with over ten years experience in the legal, finance, retail, and IT industries. Renown cryptocurrency expert and ICO advisor (Top-5 worldwide ICObench Expert). As an active supporter and advocate of blockchain technology, he provides consultancy and advice to selected ICOs in the CIS region. His network in the crypto community counts over 30 000 members.

Nikolay Shkilev — ICO Advisor

Shkilev Nikolay is an entrepreneur, Co-Founder “Top ICO Advisors”, rated TOP 10 in People of Blockchain, owner, and co-owner of dozens of successful business projects, an ICO advisor and ICObench expert. Nikolay has 20 years of experience of being involved in large-scale projects and has many awards and titles in an area of IT technologies.

Rumen Slavchov — Advisor

A self-described crypto enthusiast and investment broker giving the startups the right foundation to achieve maximum potential from a crowdsale or project.

Phillip Nunn — Advisor

With more than 15 years experience in financial services, Phillip specialises in wealth management, angel investment, commercial property investment and financial technology.

Phillip has become a well-known, online influencer in the blockchain and crypto space and has traveled the world evangelising and talking on these subjects. Phillip has sat on the advisory boards of many ICO’s over the past 12 months and has helped structure and funded some of the biggest companies of the future.

As part of our ongoing efforts with community engagement, we would like to give you a deeper understanding of the team behind Global REIT, the first blockchain based real estate investment trust. That’s why we are more than happy to announce that in the upcoming weeks you will get a chance to meet our team in a series of interview with each member.

Meanwhile, make sure you visit our website to get whitelisted ASAP. Pre-ICO sales are going live in May 2018, and the ICO session is scheduled for June 2018.

We’ll keep you posted with daily updates on our social accounts: Telegram, Facebook, Twitter, LinkedIn, Slack, Reddit, BitcoinTalk. Join our community!

