How difficult is it to get a German Student Visa?
4 min readJul 21, 2023



If you’re looking to study in Germany, you’ve probably wondered how difficult it is to get a student visa. After all, applying for one is often the first step in starting the process of moving there. The good news is that getting a German student visa doesn’t have to be hard — but it does require some planning and patience on your part. In this post, we’ll tell you everything you need to know about how to obtain one of these valuable documents

  • There are several steps to getting a German Student Visa.

To get a German student visa, you will need to apply for and receive a letter of acceptance from the school you’ll be attending in Germany. After that, you can apply for your visa at your local German embassy or consulate. You’ll also need to provide proof of financial support from a sponsor who will be responsible for paying your tuition fees and living expenses while you’re in Germany.

  • Apply for and receive a letter of acceptance from your German school.

To apply for a German school’s acceptance letter, you must apply directly on their website or through an agent. The process can take up to two months, so don’t wait until the last minute. If accepted, you will receive an “Aufenthaltserlaubnis” (residence permit) allowing you to stay in Germany for up to 18 months without restrictions on working hours or employment type.

After receiving the visa approval letter from both the university and the German consulate, you can apply at any German embassy/consulate near your residence or work. However, due diligence should be taken before making any decisions, as some embassies/consulates may require additional documents.

  • Apply for a visa at your local German embassy or consulate.

Apply for a student visa at your local German embassy or consulate, bringing necessary documents and bringing both parents and legal guardians. If everything goes smoothly, the student visa will be issued after six weeks of waiting and hoping.

  • Student visa applicants require sponsor financial support for tuition and living expenses in Germany.

To obtain financial support for your stay in Germany, you must provide a bank statement or letter from the sponsor, stating they have sufficient funds to cover tuition fees and living expenses. The minimum amount required is €1,130 approx per month, with a maximum of $1,300 approx.

If this amount doesn’t cover all expenses, another person can act as a co-sponsor, as long as they agree on the contribution amount before signing the signed sponsorship agreement form. If no one else contributes, employment may be necessary, but it requires permission beforehand, as foreigners cannot legally work without proper permits/visas obtained through their university programs.

[Read more: Top 7 Advices for Indians Moving to Germany]

  • Studying in German without fluency is an option.

If you don’t speak German fluently but want to study there, you can apply for a German language course at your school or university. If accepted and funded, the school will give priority processing to your visa application. If not, consider taking an online course from providers like Deutsch-Lernen24 or sprachcaffe. Both options offer opportunities for students to learn German without the need for a visa.

  • Early planning is crucial as it involves multiple steps and takes time to finalize everything.

The most important thing is to start planning early — there are several steps involved and it It is recommended to apply for a visa at least six months before arriving in Germany to avoid delays or rejections.

Proof of financial support, such as bank statements or letters from family members, is required for studying in Germany. It is advisable to have two sources of income, as having multiple sources can help in case of any issues with one’s ability or willingness.

  • Planning and patience are necessary for obtaining a German student visa.

To obtain a German student visa, first apply for a letter of acceptance from your chosen school in Germany. Visit a list of top universities in Germany and apply for a visa at your local embassy or consulate. If you don’t speak German fluently, consider the DAAD scholarship program for non-native speakers interested in studying at one of its partner institutions in Germany.


Obtaining a German student visa can be challenging, but it’s essential to start planning early. There are several steps involved, and it may take time before everything is finalized. For more information or questions about studying in Germany, contact us at Global Tree.



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