9 reasons to invest in GLOBCOIN

Published in
3 min readDec 18, 2017

Globcoin is bringing stablecoins to the next level by creating a crypto platform for the Global Village. But why invest in GLOBCOIN? This is a very fair question to ask, so — off the top of my head- here’s the answer.

1. The best of both worlds

GLOBCOIN is the first to fill a gap between the crypto world and the world of “traditional” (fiat) currencies. We propose a solution for holders of cryptocurrencies who want to diversify at least part of their portfolio. Our cryptocurrency combines the benefits of Blockchain technology with the stability of a basket of “traditional currencies”, so you get all the advantages of both.

2. More stability, less volatility

With GLOBCOIN, you can lock-in the value of your crypto portfolio and protect it against drawdowns and volatility. Imagine you can manage your savings in several currencies and chose the most convenient one to you — That’s what our currency basket does. The technique used to correlate the currencies in the basket has made our basket GLX more stable than the Swiss Franc.

3. Safe and stable

Unlike other cryptocurrencies, GLOBCOIN is a token but it’s pegged to national currencies, with real creditworthiness at a custodian Bank… our currency basket (GLX) is already traded for our large clients on a traditional foreign exchange forward market. So by construction, it will be very stable.

4. Our prepaid multi-currency card

Our successful GLOBCOIN Multi-currency Prepaid MasterCard has been offered to clients in the SEPA region since June 2016. One of the very few cards in the world that allows you to hold several currency wallets, and also to add funds to them in advance to ensure favourable rates. It is the perfect solution for anyone looking to save money when travelling or sending money abroad.

5. Talented team

We do believe we have the best team for this. Our team combines Foreign Exchange and Blockchain experience, all in one successful entrepreneurship. Our CEO Helie d’Hautefort set up the first European currency overlay manager, sold it to BNP Paribas AM and turned it into a world leader with over USD 23 billion of AUM. Our CFO Linda brings nearly 20 years of banking and Foreign Exchange knowledge. Felix and Gaspard are leading the GLOBCOIN dev section with innovating thinking that later materializes in our platform. Our Reputation lead Jean-Marc Seigneur has published more than 100 scientific papers on computational trust and online reputation management.

6. Currency neutrality

You can use GLOBCOIN as a hedge for something “currency neutral”, something global, without having any currency bias.

7. Ideal for P2P payments

The currency neutrality is ideal for P2P transfers. GLOBCOIN will be used on a P2P base offering clients a cost-effective, convenient and instant transaction service with total transparency. Companies like Venmo, PayPal and Square Cash allow users to send money from their mobile devices through a linked debit card but using one currency as a reference. Enabling P2P payments to be “currency neutral” is a big step forward in this growing industry.

8. Strong partnerships

Our team has extensive connections in the target sector and experience in business, software development, and distribution channels. We already have partnerships with exchanges and trusted banks, and we’re working on new alliances as your read.

9. Flexibility for investors

The GLOBCOIN Platform intends to provide flexibility to investors and to allow them to express a view on a national currency or a group of currencies, or to hedge against the weakening of others.

For example, if an investor thinks that the US dollar is going to generally strengthen against a selection of the major world currencies, he will be able to buy a token which tracks the performance of the US dollar against a basket of currencies — that will be our ultimate vision.

Not only provides diversification, the basket is also a safe and cheap way of allocating money to the future multipolar world, because it includes more than 40% of young emerging currencies with a high growth potential, truly representing the economy of tomorrow.

Written by: Eva — GLOBCOIN Community Manager

