What are we “token” about? GLOBCOIN’s tokenomics made simple

Published in
2 min readDec 26, 2017

GLOBCOIN is launching a tokenized currency basket that tracks the 15 largest global currencies and gold. We want you to understand our vision. We recommend taking a closer look at our project and joining our global village.

We have 2 tokens: the GLX and the GCP

GLOBCOIN will initially use a Dual Token system. Our team has developed two Ether tokens: The “GCP”, a utility token that represents access to the GLOBCOIN platform used to issue and access various currency baskets; and the “GLX”, a token representing the GLOBCOIN currency basket linked to the 15 largest fiat world currencies and Gold.

The GLX, our cryptocurrency token

The GLX is a digital coin whose value is linked to a currency basket. The first currency basket to be launched in our platform consists of the national currencies of the 15 largest economies and 5% Gold. Our currency combines the benefits of Blockchain technology with the stability of a basket of “traditional currencies”.

Learn more about the GLX, the currency of the global village.

The GCP, our platform utility token

The GCP is a utility token used to access the services of issuing or exchanging the “GLX”. To put it simple: if you hold GCPs, you will later be able to exchange your USD, EUR, Swiss Francs or any fiat currency into our digital currency, the “GLX” — as many times as you wish and with 0% fee.

The GCP token is a link to the software license for using various currency baskets. As a GCP holder, you have the following rights:

  • Exchanging currency baskets tokens (such as GLX) directly with the issuer at 0% fee
  • Direct access for trading on the Globcoin Exchange

(Very) important things to consider:

  • The GLX will not be subject to a Token Sale.
  • With GLOBCOIN platform, you can access various currency baskets, including (but not limited to) the GLX.
  • The value of the GLX is 100 % pegged to fiat currencies and gold.
  • There won’t not be other GCPs issued in the future. GLXs do not have a supply limit.

Written by: Eva — GLOBCOIN Community Manager

